Part 28

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Hawks POV

I stirred my fork around in my uneaten soba, every now and again glancing at the bedroom door, in hopes of seeing him standing in the door frame accepting he can't go back to the league.

Maybe... I was a little harsh, by just saying out of no where, with no consideration that he could not go back to the league... But how am I supposed to let my precious mate who was pregnant back to a place full of alphas who were bound to hit on him...

Hundreds of horrible thoughts went through my head... What if the league notice his slight change in scent and kick him out and break him again. What if the heroes capture him and then take the pup away from him, as soon as he gives birth. What if the baby dies from one of the fights he could possibly be in... The possibilities were endless and I couldn't help but worry.

Then it hit me... what if he hates me for not letting him go, what if he says I'm keeping him locked up like a prisoner and tries to escape.

I have no other choice but to reason with that stubborn omega. I get up my legs shaking, I direct myself to the door. And I knock again.





"fuck off"


"I want to make a deal with you"



I enter the room to see him sitting on the bed with his back pushed up against the wall.

"Whats your deal?" he asked looking down towards the floor...he was unable to make eye contact with me.

"you... You can go back to the league"

He darted his gaze into my eyes


"you can go back to the league"

He jumped up and hugged me, filling me with the warm feeling of happiness and love.

"but with a few conditions"

"as long as i can go back to the league I'm happy" he responded burying his face into my neck.

He's so cuteeeee I thought blushing to myself.

"I'll tell you my rules as you eat your dinner"

"fine fine, birdie"

I took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen where I plated him a bowl of soba. He then sat down and I sat next to him.

"first rule, if any members of the league are flirting with you tell me and I will hunt them down"

"protective much" giggled Toya

I ignored his comment

"2nd rule, try and keep yourself out of fights even if they are low level ones"

Toya nodded agreeing

"3rd rule, you are not to stay at the league overnight and if you have no choice but to stay the night lock yourself in a room and don't let anyone in"

"i wasn't planning on staying overnight and if I was I would get mamagiri to protect me overnight as he doesn't sleep"

I nod

"4th rule, if the league bully you or pick on you leave with the ones you like and give me the address to the LOV hideout so I can ambush it with other heroes"

Toya gives me an uncertain look

"the last but most important rule is that when the pup starts kicking you'll have to take a very very long holiday"

"seems reasonable to me" said Toya happy he could go back to the league.

I smile at his happiness which just a few minutes ago was anger.

I bring out my phone and think about how we need to have a bigger house and start scrolling through big apartments with easy access to the city, I wasn't really looking at prices because I am the number 2 hero after all I get too much money to handle every month.

"Keigo? What are you doing?" asked a curious toya who was looking over my shoulder.

"well I thought as we were starting a family very soon, we should get a bigger house" I responded

He blushed.

"can I have a look as well" he asked curiously

I put the phone on the table and scrolled through the different apartments.

"oooh that ones nice"

"no thats not very suitable for a young child"

"that ones pretty"

"I'm pretty sure most pro heroes live in that apartment block and they hold parties 5 times a week"


"thats a good apartment, it's big and not to close to the city centre and- look it's a penthouse too meaning it's good for flying too"

"i don't like the amount of stairs there are especially for the pup"

After an hour of looking through the Internet with no result. I went to bed and Toya went to text Shigaraki to confirm he was coming back before coming to the bedroom.

Toya climbed in behind me and snuggled into my wing, making me blush.

"good night Kei" came a tired voice

"good night Toya" I said back

What a day I thought... Our first argument :> #couplegoals

|hey peeps I'm very bored and have quite a bit of free time so feel free to text me through wattpad I'll props respond - you don't have to if you don't want to- as well feel free to comment any thoughts you have on my book so far even if it is hate comments 😊

~from ya girl InsomniaRocks (gender reveal i guess? 🤷‍♀️) |

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