Part 51

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Dabi's POV

My siblings ran to me after the flame dumpster closed the door after them.

"Toya!" Fuyumi said with tears in her eyes getting to me first.

She immediately wrapped her slender arms around me, being delicate around the bump area.

"Are you ok?" Asked Natsuo giving me a concerned look

Shoto nudged him "Obviously not, he's been crying blood, look"

"Shut up Shoto, your not supposed to say that!" shouted Fuyumi over my shoulder

I couldn't help buy smile slighty at my siblings antics.

"Seriously though Toya are you alright?" Asked Fuyumi, obviously concerned for my wellbeing

I looked at her

"Everythings great, like sparkles and rainbows" I said sarcastically

"Oh then we don't need to be here then" said Shoto begining to walk away, not before being whacked in the head by Natsuo's hand

"Shoto you dumb ass, he's being sarcastic" Natsuo deadpanned

"Oh- I couldn't tell"

Both my siblings facepalmed at the youngest

Fuyumi who had eventually stopped hugging me during Shoto's fiasco, sat in the chair beside me.

"Toya, do you want to talk about it?" She asked

I looke at my hands

"I guess."

I then vented to my siblings, like I did to Natsuo in the past when I was younger, I told them everything starting with when I was caught by that fucking green kid who seems to be Shoto's bestie??.


I finished my vent with how Hawks betrayed me to my father and that I was having mixed feelings about him at the moment.

"That fucking piece of bird shit!" raged Natsuo

"Yeah!"  Joined Shoto

Fuyumi looked at me

"What was his reasoning for telling Dad?"

"Keigo said he didn't want me to rot in a cell and have our child taken away." I responed to her

She hummed

"I don't think these two numb skulls behind me will agree, but I think you need to give him a chance."

"I don't know, he was the first person I trusted in 10 years with everything... and he just told it to the one person who made me the monster I am."

The room was silent for a bit, only being broken by phones buzzing.

"I think... Fuyumi is right" said Shoto "I saw how in love you 2 were when we went to your house and I don't want you to loose him, because you deserve love"

"Well spoken Sho" said Natsuo putting his hand on his younger brothers shoulder.

I looked up at my siblings

"I guess I can talk to him at least" I reasoned

"That's great" said Fuyumi "we will go get Hawks"

"Toya if he says anything you don't like, expect roast chicken for dinner" joked Natsuo as the three of them walked out of the room

"Ooh I like roast chicken!"

"Oh for gods sake Shoto"

|sorry that this is short, I haven't really had time to do this due to exams and studying|

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