Part 42

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Shinso POV

To say I was shocked was an understatement... Me, Hitoshi Shinso had been invited to pro hero Hawk's house, for a friend meet up/house warming party! Just because I'm friends with his omega mate!

I had been informed of their move by Dabi, he even gave me an extra key to this new apartment, in case I was having problems with being an omega or was just feeling lonely... Other than Papa, Dad, Eri and Shoto this was the nicest I've ever been treated, it's like a second home.

Although I've had the key for a while I haven't utilised it as I haven't gone into heat and was too caught up in school work to visit Dabi, I'm in the process of applying to transfer to class 2a where Shoto is.

I hadn't even realised that I made it to the apartment door I was so deep in thought. I looked to my arms where I was carrying a bouquet of flowers and a card.

I knocked the door thinking it would be rude to unlock the door and just walk in like I own the place.

The door opened and there appeared the no.2 hero.

"oh you must be Aizawa's son" he said with a smile "come on in there's some other people in the lounge with Toy- Dabi"

I nodded nervously and walked in and looked to see Dabi talking with that blonde psycho girl... Toga

I looked at the lounge there were four villains and a white haired woman, who was stairing into space, who I recognised from somewhere

"I can't believe Twice and Compress couldn't make it" she cried

"Himiko, they tried their best to be here but they couldn't make it" said the black and purple mist guy... To be honest he was acting like a mother.

"When's Nat arriving" asked... Wait Shigaraki! The leader of the league of villains was here!

Dabi was about to respond when he noticed me.

"Hitoshi, your here!" he said happily turning slightly to the side to reveal a small but noticeable bump.

I waved giving a small smile

"Who's the kid?" asked Shigaraki

"ooooo I know you!" squealed Toga "Your the one dating Shoto Todoroki!"

This caught the white haired woman's attention

"w-we're not dating" I stammered with a wild blush on my face

"yeah sure kid" said Dabi rolling his eyes playfully

"Wait... Why is a UA kid here Dabi?" questioned Shigaraki narrowing his eyes at me

"oh, Shinso here is an omega male like us" responded Dabi revealing my secondary gender to people I didn't even know

"That still doesn't explain why he's here..." added on the mist guy

"I'm mentoring him on how to be an male omega, we developed a friendship through that. Just so you know I trust him with my life he won't betray us" Dabi returned and added on the last part making me feel happier.

Toga smiled widely exposing two sharp fangs, but the two other villains narrowed their eyes.

I smiled awkwardly and walked to Dabi handing him the flowers

"I didn't know what to get you so I got these" I said quite happily

Dabi took the flowers and smiled kindly.

"These will brighten the house beautifully" He responded giving them to Hawks who took them to the kitchen probably to put them in a vase in which Dabi followed his mate.

I looked back and saw the blonde psycho patting the empty spot beside her to sit down. I walked over and sat where she had signalled.

"I'm Himiko Toga, but you probably already know that. I'm Dabi's bestest friend! " she squeeled.

"Hello Shinso, I'm Kurogiri... I'm seen as the league of villains parental figure" said the mist guy

"Tomura Shigaraki... Dabi's friend, boss and technically his brother in law" added the blue haired man

"Dabi has a sibling!?" Myself and the two villains said in disbelief as he had never mentioned a sibling

"He actually has three younger siblings" said the white haired woman in a kind voice with a small smile.

I blinked in disbelief... 3 younger siblings everyone except the white haired woman and Shigaraki showed an expression of shock.

"what is your name? And relation to Dabi?" asked Kurogiri

"You can just call me Rei. And I'm his mother" she said proudly

I looked at this beautiful white haired pale skinned woman and thought back to dabi with his black hair and scarred up skin... But lookin closer you could see similarities like the face shape and the sharp eyes.

"N-nice to meet you Rei" said Toga in holding out her hand for the woman to shake

The woman shook it with her long pale fingers.  Showing a smile I recognised not from Dabi but a certain someone else who I couldn't put my finger on.

Before long there was a knock on the door.

"That'll be Nat" said Shigaraki getting up with a smirk on his face.

We started small talk and noticed Dabi and Hawks hanging around the door peeking through a crack at Shigaraki and this 'Nat' person.

"Oh stop with the sappy shit Natsu and Handjob!" Shouted Dabi through the door

"You're one to talk Toya!" shouted a new voice on the other side of the door

"who's Toya" I asked Toga

She shrugged her shoulders in response

I was about to say something when I heard something drop outside.

"Well shit" was all Dabi could say before he opened it completely

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

|sorry for taking so long to post I kinda got addicted to obey me, and had 2 weeks full of exams 😅|

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