Part 50

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Hawks POV

"So you're telling me this pregnant villain is not only the number two heros mate but also the number one heros son" Madam President, Yokumiru Mera pointed towards the both of us. "This is quite the scandal"

Endeavour shared a sideglance with me. We were both utterly fucked in this situation and we both knew it.

"Wouldn't this be a reason to keep it quiet from the public, and let him attone for what he has done" I reasoned with the stern looking woman infront of me

"Let a cold blooded murderer on the loose?" She pushed "What happens if he goes back to villainy after the pregnancy?"

"What about if he's always surveyed by myself or Hawks... or anyother hero you put up to it?" Endeavour spoke up

She raised an eyebrow at this

"You mean when we are high in demand of heros to spare a couple to essentially babysit a villain who you created?"

Endeavour looked distraught at this

"Endeavour may of made some terrible decisions when he was younger, however he is a changed man, willing to change more by assisting to redeem his son." I argued back, although I hated Endeavour for what he did to Toya, I couldn't help but argue for him

"Is that so. Well Endeavour I want you to think about what would've happened if Hawks here never mated dabi, he wouldn't be in his weakened pregnant state, he had to be planning towards revealing himself in the most dramatic way possible to hurt you"

"It not like he would start dancing like a lunatic infront of Endeavour saying that he was his son" I joked to them trying to ease the tension

She sighed

Endeavour stood up dramatically

"I want to Rehabilitate my son and the hero commision will not stop me. My son deserves much better than what I gave him!"

"I was expecting that" she said crossing her legs

"So is that a yes to rehab?" I questioned

"Untill he has had the child and proven he will not go back to his ways..." she begins

It was almost perfect untill she said

"However the public will have to know"

"Toya will not like that" I sighed

"Dabi, will have to deal with it. Not only are we getting him out of a lifetime, maybe even two, of prison but a chance to be accepted into society as well as commision paid therapy sessions"

I looked at my hands, as I sunk further in the cushioned chair.

"As his mate I accept this."

"Wait Hawks your not serious right now are you?!"

I looked towards the tall man beside me who the previous voice belonged to.

"I know the hero commision, this is our best option." I replied to his outburst

"My son has had a horrible life he doesn't need it spotlighted and torn apart by the public!" He argued back


"I believe the deal is sealed Mr Todoroki."

"Yes Madame President"


The meeting about Toya was over and Endeavour and I were stuffed in a taxi paid by the commision as they wanted us to arrive at the agency together.

The drive was a rather awkward one to say the least. The taxi driver was glancing in the rear mirror every so often in disbelief that the top two heros were in his cab, and every godamn time we hit a speed bump Endeavour got hit in the face with my wing.

Awkward am I right?

We arrived back to Endeavors ageny not soon enough and I was happy to clamber out of the stuffy taxi.

We were walking in when we saw the three Todoroki siblings.

"Shoto, Natsuo, Fuyumi. What are you doing here?" Asked The flame hero beside me

They immediately all sweatdropped, because they had probably seen their pregnant brother being carried by their Father on the news without knowing who he was carrying through the crowds

"You're here to see Toya aren't you" he sighed

The three Todorokis looked immensily shocked after hearing what came out of their fathers mouth


"He's this way" I motioned towards the number ones office

I started walking in that direction, the three following me like ducklings.

I opened the door


"Fuck off" he spat

"You've got visitors" I said sadly

"I don't care."

I opened the door wider standing to the side letting the three in and closing it behind them.

I looked at Endeavor.

"Now how do we tell him about the commisions terms and conditions"

|kinda boring this chapter ngl but hope you all enjoy ♡|

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