| Chapter Two + Hoes never get cold |

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It was five o' fucking clock in the fucking morning.

And guess where little Sevyn Haren was? Not getting my nails re-polished, like I needed to. Not reading a boring ass story to a group of elder people at some random old folks home. (Kinda wish I was though, so I could convince you guys how good of a person I actually was. Minus me trying to get with a married man. Oh well. Insert sad face.) And I definitely was not getting my back blown out, my ass spanked or cooter in the process of getting demolished by my dream man. (Yes, the one that was married was my dream man. Insert two sad faces.)

I was freezing my ass off.

My hot ass off, I had to add. Well I hoped it looked hot. I spent time and time working on it and perfecting it. Not to impress some man, but to make me look better. Make me feel better. Every YouTube video I watched, yoga routine I memorized and nutritious food I inserted into my body was to help me be the person I wanted to become. And the person I wanted to become, needed to have a hot ass. I worked for the shit.

But enough about my magnificent ass, I had to get back to business and me getting back to business was explaining why the hell I was freezing my ass off.

Because of one man. (Yes, the married one.) The one man who made everything in me light up. (Sadly, yes it he was taken.) The one man who had shifted, scrambled and erased everything in my mind when he feasted his eyes on me. (Yes, yes, a million times yes it was the one who had a wife.)

Fuck, let's once again address the elephant in the living room; he was married. Call me any name you can think of: homewrecker, whore, dumb bitch, hoe, slut, loose pussy, la-di da-di you crunchy pussy ass bitch and more. . .it still woundn't change my feelings for him. In some sense, I was there before her. No wait- I was there before her. I don't even remember them being engaged. Shit probably only lasted a month. All I remember was two years ago, hearing my coach yell some shit about finally getting hitched and then people started talking. Questions were asked and answered. Coach Taylor had gotten married to Coach Epps. I do remember them talking on many occasions throughout my first year, but they worked in the same department, of course they were going to talk. When she announced her marriage, guess who was the first person I thought of?

Cookie Monster.

Yes, the famous cartoon Elmo's friend. That Cookie Monster. And when I found out the truth, that she was married to my not-lover, I almost passed out.

I thought, no way in hell. They have chemistry? Never would I have thought that those two had chemistry. And don't you marry someone because of love? Lust and love go hand in hand. In my book at least. Never, as in all the times that I have been around those two would I ever say, ohhh I feel the sexual tension. They worked together for Christ sake and they didn't have a quickie in the locker room before each practice? They didn't even give each other longing looks. When I heard that they had gotten married I thought I was going to be bummed out, seeing the man that I always fantasized about completely in love with someone else. I expected, oooo I want to fuck you so bad because you're yelling at your team and those leggings look hot looks. Instead all I got was Shut up, you annoying wife looks.

But don't be mistaken, I was still hurt. But not as hurt or sorrow had I been if they were all lovely dovey and coupley. When you got married, especially during the honeymoon faze, I expect passion. Shit, if I had gotten married to Veer, I would always be calling in sick from work every other day because of how good he would fuck me the night before. Shit, he could fuck me on the dirty damn turf.

I didn't know how she did it.

What I did know was that something was fishy. And yes, that something was Coach Taylor's- you know what? Not even going to got there.

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