| Chapter Twenty Eight + Another game day |

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This skirt was too tight.

I just hadn't noticed until this moment. This moment, it seemed like the material was shrinking and that was making my hands sweaty. Right? Not because the scoreboard showed a tied number. Not because we only had two minutes left in the game. Not because we had the possibility of losing our winning streak tonight.

Hell, now my shirt was shrinking.

I didn't realize how much I actually enjoyed my school winning until now. We haven't lost a game since. . .damn my freshman year? That was how good we were. We were on a winning streak and our school took pride in that. Veer took pride in that. And with the way he was looking at the scoreboard and acting on the field? His eyes were dark, his fast strides along were sidelines were striking, and his hands were in tightly closed fists. I knew he was feeling a certain type of way.

Fuck. And these past couple days had been good for me. Real good. That little locker fiasco put me in a better mood and position with Veer. Two days ago, while I was coming out the locker room after a late night practice, Veer appeared beside me and offered to walk me to my dorm. I walked to my dorm by myself all the time during the night, but I accepted his offer because, stupid me, liked having him in my presence.

The walk was nice. It hadn't even been a very long walk because my dorm wasn't too far from the field, but it was still nice. Veer asked if Ty and Elle were still giving me a problem and I replied back no, happily. (Thank God he handled that.) He asked me how my day was going. He also asked me about my classes, which wasn't ever a topic we discussed before and I found myself excited to answer. He even suggested a player of his who did science tutoring on the side and offered to point me in his direction, once I informed with my struggles of the subject.

I found myself liking him helping me with my studies. Giving me new suggestions or offering to help me with things, outside of the bedroom.

Was there really a new Veer present? A more pleasant Veer? I didn't want to admit it, but it made my inside turn into gush. Real ushy gushy business had been occurring down there and probably wouldn't stop until he helped me fix the flooding problem.

Veer was changing. He was growing. He was showing me that he was truly sorrow for his actions from before. I liked it.

What I didn't like was what was showing on the scoreboard now. 50 to 53. 53 points was the score from the other team. Fuck. The timer went off and fuck, we lost. I watched, with defeated eyes, as the other side jumped up from their bleachers and started to chant their team name. My head turned and everyone on my side of the bleachers looked pissed. Every player on the field looked even worse; pissed, tired, and disappointed. It sucked not winning. But it wasn't the end of the world.

The look that was on Veer's face though? He looked like he lost his world. After the players shook hands, after things were called through the speakers, after post game rituals, everyone disbursed. Players went left and right, people went left and right, but as usual, the only person my eyes were completely zoomed in on was Veer. Veer speed-walking straight through the crowd then making a sharp turn left. Away from everyone.

Of course I followed. Veer was like a magnet. It was like gravity. It was my nature. Where he went, I wanted to go. I hoped this wouldn't turn out to be a bad decision.

I spotted Veer, sat on the floor, his back to the side of a building. His baseball cap was off his head, his head was hanging low and his posture was bent over. Looking completely defeated. Done with life. Lost in the numbers. Fuck, was this all because of one lost?

"Hey, you okay?" I asked quietly, as I carefully approached the man. Making sure that my movements weren't too loud or too forward. I didn't want to scare the man back into the closed off version of himself before.

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