| Chapter Thirty Four + Final Friday Bright Lights |

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It's been a week since the. . .incident at Veer's house and things in my life have been dull. Not good, not wonderful, not boring, just dull.

Yes, Veer had tried to contact me many times throughout these five days. And yes, I was ignoring the shit out of him. What else did he have to say? I honestly thought he had nothing to say. Well nothing worth value to say to me anyway. He said nothing that morning I walked out of his house. What's changed?

Nothing has changed.

I just wished that I would've realized sooner that I was nothing more to him than an easy lay. I could be nothing worth value to him. He didn't love me. He was never going to love me, so what was the point in continuing?

It hurt. I was still hurting. I was still morning. I was in love with a man who would never love me back and it sucked. But I would get over him one day. Maybe in months, maybe in years, who knew, but I would do it. I owed it to myself.

It wouldn't be easy though. This whole week, I've been slugging in my shoes. I've been surrounding myself with distractions. I've been putting in extra work at practice and only focusing my attention on my coach and on my teammates. Never letting my eyes linger on places where they should have never been placed. I've been putting extra work into my studies and spending my time huddled up in my room, doing two weeks ahead homework. I didn't want a single second to go by where I had to think about Veer. I didn't want to think about Veer.

I was dumb before- conjuring up fantasies and thinking that we could get a fairytale ending forgetting that this was reality. It wasn't his fault that he didn't want a future with me, but it was his fault that he had been leading me on and making me believe that there could be something more. The gifts? The sweet kisses? Calling me baby in front of his coworker?

What game was he playing?

I only had myself to blame. I should've listened to his sister. I should've collected the red flags from the beginning. He didn't even want to be seen in public with you, what makes you think he wanted to date you out in the open? That rude thought was true. I knew it deep down, but still, I kept pretending and fantasizing that there could be something greater. Something more.

So stupid, Sevyn.

Whatever. Now wasn't the time to reminisce about a guy I could never have. About a guy who couldn't express himself to me. About a guy who didn't want a lasting future with me when I know there are many others that would. I didn't need Veer.

And I repeated that phrase over and over again as I got ready for the game. Today was Friday and everyone knew what that meant; game day. This week, the game was on our tuff and for the first time in a long time, I didn't care who won. If we lost, I wouldn't care. If we won, I wouldn't care. A few more months and I was out of this school and onto bigger and better things. Veer who?

I put on one last coat of lip gloss through my locker mirror and made my way out of the locker room, which was empty. Guess I had been stuck in my head for a while because no other girls were in. Probably all outside on the bleachers. Oops. But it wasn't like we were performing yet.

My hands pushed the locker room doors open and I stepped out, under the night sky. I didn't make it far onto the felid because my name was called out a second later.

"Sevyn." I knew that voice. It was the voice of a man who I didn't want to speak to.

I didn't stop my walking.

"Sevyn, wait."

"What?" I abruptly stopped. Getting annoyed by everything. By the cold air on my legs, by the way my heart still soared out to his, and by the desperateness in his voice.

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