| Chapter Twenty + Duct tape. I need duct tape |

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Kiana said that the night was going to be fun. Kiana said that the night was going to be eventful. Kiana said that I needed this night. A night to have fun, drink away my problems, and forget all about a certain fella.

I had told Kiana about what's been going on. Screw Veer and his thinking. Kiana was my best friend and the person I will always confided in, beside my mom. I needed advice and this girl was going to give me it. So yes, I told Kiana about what's all been going on in these past weeks.

First, she told me that I was completely insane. I already knew this. Then she informed to tell me that Veer was also insane. I knew that too. The advice that I had been wishing and wanting for, the oh wise one, chose to give me was. . .to be true to yourself. Like really? That's the big advice?

Other thing that she said was for me to forget him. Easier said than done, but I did like the sound of it. She suggested a situation that would help me forget Veer. A college party. Now college parties are horrible for many reasons. Inappropriate foundlings, consent being left at the front door, drunk hoes still singing that same Dreams and Nightmare Meek Mill song, dirty shoes on someone's mother's couch. One thing that they are good for was getting people to forget. Forget their midterm deadline, forget stupid men, forget their troubles.

So yeah, I was down for it.

Kiana, Morgan, Elle and I had arrived at a party exactly ten minutes ago. I had been crunched up in the black with Elle the whole ride over here, but I had to play nice. Kiana had invited Elle to ride with us and I thought fine, why not extend a branch? A keep-your-mouth-shut branch. Lucky for me though, she had kept her mouth shut. I just needed to keep being cordial to the girl or. . .maybe find some blackmail? I will pray about something coming to the light.

We had arrived at eleven to the party, which started at eight, so things were full on swinging. People were already drunk, I could hear the moans and grunts from the front door, the music was loud and only crumbs were left in the chip bowls. Dammit.

We said our heys and his as we made our way inside the house. We had stationed ourselves on a wall, at the side of the dance floor because Morgan saw a friend of his and decided to drag us along. Woah, was I seeing things? As I nosily looked down, I saw Ki's hand in Morgan's. Were they officially dating now? Mental note: ask Ki if her and Morgan are a thing.

Forty-five minutes later and we - Kiana, Morgan, Elle and I - were still stationed on this wall talking. More people came over, that Morgan was friends with, and I can admit, they were cool. I even saw a cute one. Wow, me attracted to college boy? What are the odds.

Maybe I was thirsty. Not for that college's boy dick though. Sadly, for something to drink. I swallowed- well tried to swallow. Yeah, I was definitely thirsty.

"I'm going to go get a drink." I whispered to Kiana who was standing to the left of me. She smiled and nodded, her hand still in-locked with Morgan's.

"Me too. Imma go with you." Guess Elle heard because a second later, she was positioned to the right of me, awaiting for us to start moving.

Well then. "Okay, come on, I saw the kitchen up there." I said and started our journey toward the kitchen. I saw the island come into view and moved my steps even faster, hoping Elle would speed up so we can get our drinks and hurry back to our group. I didn't want to spend too much alone time with her. She already made me accompany breakfast with her, three times now. I didn't know how many "oh that's cool" comments I had left in me.

I arrived in the kitchen then spoke. "So what are you going to get, Elle?" And as I turned around, I found no one. I looked right and left, no Elle. Where could she have run off too? Oh wait, I just realized that I didn't care. I shrugged, she will find us later.

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