| Chapter Thirty Three + Here we go. . .again |

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My Saturday morning started off unusual.

I woke up from my dorm room in a good mood though. A day ago, Veer had invited me over to his house for the weekend. There were plans to chill, talk, kiss a little, maybe get action going? I hoped. I prayed for times like this. I had wanted us to get together for the weekend, but he suggested that we hang out at his place this weekend and for me to pack a bag.

I liked the idea. So last night, I packed a bag.

As I stated before, I woke up in a good mood because this weekend was going to be a weekend for the books. Wait, that wasn't true. Anytime I was around Veer, was time for the books. But moving on. I took a shower, turned on my favorite playlist, and got ready for my day. Yes, we didn't have plans to meet up until three this afternoon, but the earl bird always got the big dick worm. Moving on some more, while I was styling my baby hairs, a knock on my door startled me.

I had wondered who it could be? Veer? But he stated that he was in a meeting this morning. Maybe Kiana? I wouldn't know until I answered the door. So that was what I did. I put down my edge brush, walked in my furry slippers to the door, then opened it.

Who would've thought that Elle would be on the other side of it? Which was weird because didn't she have mirrors to break? She had some nerve walking around like she wasn't the cause of everyone's night terrors. Freddy looked cuter than her. Especially now. Her hair was all over the place, her mascara was running a track race, and her eyes bags were huge. Something was troubling her.

Too bad I didn't give a shit. "What do you want?" I spat at her.

Elle went into defense mode. Her shoulders shrunk and her hands raised in an I come in peace manner. Her first sounded wobbly. "First thing I want to say is I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Sevyn."

I rolled my eyes at her. I didn't have time for this. She wasn't going to ruin my day for this. If she wanted to say sorry, she should've said it months ago. Too little too late. "What? Sorry about what exactly? Do you have to say this at eight in the morning?" I rushed out the words. The longer she was in my presence, the harder my eyes would hurt.

"Ty. . .Ty just dumped me. He just fucking dumped me." Elle said with complete sorrow in her voice.

But I didn't necessarily care. She needed to cry all the way back to her witch's lair. "Okay." I stated with a blank look.

She continued on with her win though. What she did best. "He had the nerve to call me a slut when I asked him why- why did he ever want to break up with me. He said he was bored and that I was easy." Her voice choked up. I could feel her holding back the tears, but was it still wrong of me to say that I didn't necessarily care? This was karma biting her back in her green ass. "I was so fucking wrong about him. I should've known by how badly he treated Mariah-"

"Elle, you had a big part in him and Mariah's dismal. And that whole situation with Ty is unfortunate but honestly, it's not my problem. I told you that Ty is bad news and you decided to fuck everyone over just to get to him."

She nodded understandably, her eyes still wet from her storytelling. "I know, I know. I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I ruined our close friendship over a guy."

I internally rolled my eyes over that close friendship bit but focused my next words on the main problem at hand. "I'm not the person you should be apologizing to." I informed her.

"I know, I just wanted to come in peace and talk to you first. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything that has happened between us." Her eyes sure showed the true meaning of her words. . .the sadness and sorrow. "I'll tell Mariah that I'm sorry the next time I see her. I've just been in love with Ty since freshman year and when he was finally giving me attention, I completely embraced myself in it."

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