| Chapter Nineteen + Two words: I'm fucked |

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I wanted to punch something.

I wanted to hurt something.

I wanted to find a bat that I spoke of before. A bat longer than Big Sean's dick. A bat harder than a Nicki Minaj verse. A bat thicker than one of Dr. Miami's patients and hit this annoying bitch upside her annoying head.

I wanted to call up the Avengers. Tell Ironman that Elle was the one responsible for his parent's death. Call up Batman and tell him that Elle was the Joker's long lost sister. Remind, lie, and inform everyone that Elle actually stood for "Eagerly Leaking Lies Everyday".

Of course it had to be Elle that was on the other side of my door. It couldn't have been anyone else, God? This was literal punishment and literal karma for these sinful deeds we both were performing. God laughed, said gotcha you horny bitch, and inserted Elle into this situation to make everything more fucking challenging.

The room had been quiet for a good ten minutes after Elle had stepped into my dorm. It was like a movie. Tensions high, silence, and awkward looks. The only movement that was occurring was our eyes. Well mostly Elle's eyes which were transferring back and forth between Veer and I. I was staring down the girl hoping she get the hint to not open her mouth again and possibly exit the hell out of my dorm, but why why why would God answer a side piece's prayers? Also, my glares were shit, because a second later, Elle opened her yap and broke the silence.

"So, uh, what's the deal here?" She started. Her look transferred fully to me. "Is he the one who your cousin was talking about at the party? You messing with Coach Epps?"

No, he just likes to sit on my couch at 3 in the fucking morning and we sing disney songs and make friendship bracelets

I had two options here: Lie or tell the truth. Of course I stuck with option one. "He was just talking to me about something. He was passing by and decided to come up." I knew this wasn't the best lie, but I was under pressure. Who can think right when under pressure?

Elle raised a hand on her hip and titled her head to the side, eyeing me like those detectives do when they're questioning criminals. "Sevyn, I'm not stupid. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, it all adds up. How Mariah said it was a coach and how one time I overheard you and Kiana talking-"

Okay so I guess I needed to switch to a new plan. A new options to get this big mouth to shut up. Option three: avoid subject and get the bitch out of the dorm. I interrupted her. "Maybe we need to talk about this in the morning. You may need a goodnights sleep to just forget all about this encounter."

She smiled at me. A real unGodly look I had to say. Was I going to have to make a deal with the devil?

Veer stood up. Finally. I thought for a second this man was dead by how dead silent he was being. This was his problem too! But of course, once again, things did not go my way. Today, tonight, this morning nothing was going to go my way, I bet on it. And instead of threatening Elle with lifelong detentions or a lifelong journey on the track field for the rest of her time here or even a smidge of blackmailing, he only said,

"I'm going to head out."

Excuse me?

Before he gave anyone a chance to reply, he just quickly walked to the front door of my dorm, didn't turn back for nothing - even after I called his name out - opened, and exited right out and into the hallway. But yes, I followed the bastard into the hallway because I had a bone or two to shove in his ass.

"Veer! Where are you going? This is your problem too!" I whispered-yelled out to his retreating back. I walked down to where he was, hoping that the farther we were from my dorm room, the farther we were from Elle and her big ass elephant ears.

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