| Chapter Nine + Girls do not need love too |

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The most important meal of the day was breakfast. Which meant that my breakfast time needed to be filled with food, food, oh and more food. Drama? Not needed. Other people? Weren't alway welcome. Food? As I said before, the best thing about it.

Kiana and I were seated in the cafeteria this Thursday morning (my only worthy companion) eating it up and talking (occasionally). It was perfect, just exactly what I needed.

This week had been sort of a train wreck, like normal. I was so happy that we were one day away from the weekend, I needed time to relax. I needed time to chill. I just needed time. Also, tomorrow was game day and when game day came around, I was in a brighter mood. I got to see Veer work right in front of my face, in action. Let's just hope that I didn't start creaming on the spot. (I will cross my legs. I mean fingers. No wait, both.)

It was bad how much time I spent thinking about a married man. It was bad how much said married man wanted me. Had me wondering why he was in that marriage in the first place. Was she blackmailing him? Was she like crazy rich? Was she related to some sort of celebrity?

Ha, probably not. Beside her cheating on her husband every other weekend, that bitch was boring as shit. Sorry, was bitch too mean? I meant heffa.

Anyways thinking about said heffa was making my appetite spoil and with all this delicious food in front of me, that would be a criminal. I had waffles, eggs, bacon and toast on my plate. My school was shit at a lot of things: inclusivity, picking the right professors, being expensive as fuck, but one thing they excelled at was breakfast. Food department was top notch.

Practice was done with, so I was going to dive the fuck into this meal and just get plain dirty with it. And that was exactly what I did. My fork dipped down onto the plate and the bite I took?  It felt like heaven. But sadly, we are on earth and earth comes with interruptions. Like right when I was chewing on my Jesus waffle, Kiana said,

"God, Elle keeps bugging me about your cousin and Ty. The dating thing."

Ugh, our next conversation was going to be about Elle and her crazy obsession with Ty? I didn't care too much for it. I tried to help Elle out at the party and that was the last of my meddling. I picked up some eggs and inserted it, into my mouth. "Really?"

She knew that was code for: I really don't care.

Eventhough she knew, she ignored it. "Yes, really. Sev, if I have to deal with Elle's constant blabbering, so do you. We are a team." She paused in her speech and started eyeing my plate. "Also that waffle looks so good, can I have a piece?"

Normally I would say fuck no and start chanting out a series of different witch spells, but since my dear friend had been a victim of a very embarrassing and very public breakup, I took pity on the girl and moved my plate a little closer to her. "Fine. Don't get a big piece though, I know how you are."

"I'm not going to get a big-" I couldn't even listen to the rest of her lies because a second later, a big piece of my waffle was missing. See, I knew she didn't understand the difference between small and big.

After I watched her crucify my Jesus waffle, I started to pay attention to my other food and basically drown down my whole plate. Kiana had also resumed eating and it was quiet for a few minutes, but after most of our plates were cleared the conversations started sprouting out again.

"So. . .what's been going on with you?" She questioned, sipping on her cranberry juice.

I placed my fork on my empty plate, brought my hands up to my drink and took a sip before answering. "What you mean, me? Nothings been going on, well not anymore."

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