| Chapter Twenty Seven + What happens in the locker room, stays. . . |

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"Oh shit. Fuck. Yes. Keep it right there." I heard someone moan. "Daddy!"

My eyes are wide. My disgust was present. I wanted to throw up. Throw up right here, on school property.

The thing that I was viewing? The thing that my eyes were being witness to? The someones I was looking at? The dog-shit that was being shown in front of my very eyes was Elle fucking Ty. Well in technical terms, Ty was fucking Elle. Actually, at this point, it didn't matter who was doing the fucking because everyone that was in this room was fucked. My eyes were fucked and now stuck. . .Elle and Ty were fucking in the girl's locker room.

Did no one have shame anymore?

I thought this week was going to be one of the good ones. Hell, I had positive conversation with Veer last week. On Monday, one of my - never studied for - test had been canceled. On Tuesday, the cafeteria brought back French toast. (Which I had prayed for because pancakes hadn't been hitting like the used to.) Today was Wednesday and I woke up earlier than usual with a little extra pep in my step, trying to get my - what I thought - great day started. But no, curse the sun for coming up. Curse this locker room. Curse myself for thinking that I could ever been granted a good week.

I had to be the one to walk into the locker room, at this exact moment, because I was not of one of God's favorite.

I had to be the one confused because of a certain fella that came back into my life. . .and this time wasn't spewing bullshit. Veer just had to confuse me. I miss you baby. I stayed strong and had to ignore the way my stomach fluttered. He said all the right things, but did that mean he will act on them? I needed to think. Really think.

Think of this whole situation. Think of-

"Fuck, Ty. I love it when you hit it like that." Elle shouted. "Eeeeeeeeh."

Ew, was a dolphin dying?

"Oh shit, Elle." Ty started to stutter as our eyes matched. Should I mention that he was still inside Elle? "Sevyn! Sevyn is here."

Fuck. And I thought I was going to be able to slowly and quietly back away and exit out of here.

Ty and Elle were plastered against a wall. The front wall which was right next to the showers. He quickly dropped the tramp that was in his hands and she fell on her feet. I saw Ty lift his hand up and grab a towel that was placed on a bench beside them. He wrapped the towel around him. Elle pulled down her skit that was ridding up on her hips and gave me a hard look. Which was funny because the two idiots were placed right in front of the opening locker room doors. It almost seemed like they were wanting to get caught because even a bathroom stall would be more private than that.

"Why are you just standing there like a weirdo?" Elle spoke. Her hard look became even deadlier. Someone was mad.

I tried not to stoop down to her childish level and tried to key my voice leveled. "I literally just came in the room." I rolled my eyes. "Surprised you guys didn't hear me from the loud ass doors opening. But that was probably drained out from all of Elle's horrendous screaming."

Elle, the killer of puppies, took a step closer to me. Was that move supposed to seem threatening? Her words sure sounded like a threat. "Do you want to start with me?"

"Yes." I answered quickly. Without any hesitation.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies." Ty started. My eyes switched to his. His body which was barely covered, only sporting a loosey goosey towel. His mouth turned up at the sides. I rolled my eyes once again. "Can we not do this while I am half naked?"

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