| Chapter Seven + More drama than a damn CW show |

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Let me tell you a little something about my cousin, Mariah, she was a Goddamn character. Code for: she had a big mouth (maybe even more than Elle) and cannot put her emotions/thoughts/words on latch. Now I was not plainly dissing her, it was just something factual that needed to be stated first thing, before I went on with the telling of my day.

Something I wished that I would have remembered when I told her my Coach Veer secret. Yes, she can play her part, but all in all, she had and would always be a very blunt individual and just shout out the first thing that comes to mind. So just stating again, remember that for later.

Kinda wish we hadn't gone over Ty's house for a small get together, but remember, I had forgotten how big of a mouth my cousin really had. And add on the liquor? She would be leaving tomorrow so I thought, what the hell I wanted her to reconnected with my friends and for all of us to hang out before she left. Exactly why her, me, Kiana, Trey, Ty, Tiana, Morgan, another mutual friend: Liam, and of course Elle, all met up out his house to chill, smoke and drink. Fun, right?

"Hey, you sure they not gonna care I'm kinda crashing y'alls get together?" Mariah asked for the tenth time. Oh wait, twentieth time?

"As I said befoooore, they are not gonna care. Trust me. And it's mostly for you anyway." I turned on Ty's street and continued with my talking. "I told them you were leaving tomorrow and it was Ty's idea for you to come over, meet all of them and just have fun. So, you gonna have fun right?"

"Yeah, of course I'll have fun. But wait, who's all gonna be there?"

I saw Ty's house come into view and I also saw a free parking spot right near it come into view. My lucky day. "Um, Ty, Kiana, Trey. Uhh, Trey and Ty's friend's; Liam. My other friend Tiana- you know what? Why don't I just introduce you when we get there? I'm telling you, they all cool."

"Fine, all your friends are my friends." I parked the car, took off my seatbelt and turned toward Mariah. She had a weird smile on her face after she said that.

"Uh, yeah sure." She then followed after my lead, took off her seatbelt. We both looked in the mirror and patted ourselves up and finally removed from the car and moved in the direction of Ty's house.

As we were walking in the bright sun, I caught the sight of something on the total opposite of interesting. Elle. Elle in her short plaid skirt, her button down top and hair in a high ponytail with a ribbon to seal the school girl fit. I'm sorry, was this a costume party type-of-thing?

"Hey Elle, cute outfit." I greeted. Ha, what was more fake? Me or people who say candy corn was good?

"Thank you, Sev." Her eyes did not match her smile. "You just come from the gym for something? Damn, I've been looking for a new one. Which one you go to? Planet Fitness?"

Did this bitch just diss me? I have been more than kind to her- actually, I haven't but that wasn't the point. Everyone knew Planet Fitness was like the Walmart to all gyms. I had on a matching blue cotton sweat-set that I bought online with white sneakers. I looked comfortable because I thought we were all just coming to chill. So sweats were a way to go. Screw her.

"Oh yeah?" I tiled my head and looked up and down her outfit. "Where you just come from? The block-"

"Hiiiii, I'm Mariah. Sev's cousin." Mariah knew when I was a second from strangling a bitch, so I was glad that she cut in. I didn't want a fight to happen, even if that bitch needed two good smacks to the face. "I don't think we ever met. Elle, right?"

"Yup, I'm Elle." Now her smile matched her eyes. But ugh, why did she have to turn towards me again? "Sorry, Sev. I'm a little on edge. I thought you were making fun of my outfit."

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