| Chapter Twenty One + Bachelor #2 please |

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"Sevyn, you okay? Where's the pep in your step?" Coach Taylor stepped in front of me, her whistle dangling out from her mouth. "You better find it, now. You're gonna need it for the game tomorrow."

I wasn't in the best mood this morning. No, scratch that, I haven't been in the best mood this whole week. And guess who was the one to blame? You guessed it fucking right; Veer fucking Epps. I've been trying to forget the man. I've deliberately not looked on his side of the field all week. I was mad that he left me to deal with Elle and I was especially mad at how the backstabber threw it in my face, at a Goddamn party at that.

Too bad I had to suck it up. Even though I wanted to do the complete opposite. Spew it all out. Eject all of it and yack it at her didn't-brush-her-teeth-this-morning face. I fucked your husband, my nosey bitch of a neighbor knows it, and I forgot to get a muffin this morning. "Yeah Coach, I'm good. Just tired."

"Tired?" Her voice raised. I wished that she took a couple steps back, her breath was causing my eyes to water. "You kids are always tired. You know the reason? You guys are lazy. So lazy."

Oh no, she backed up. Well not really a big oh no for me because that breath could cause King Kong to pass out, but oh no because every time she had that look on her face and her hands on her hips, she was about to start the bullshit. And by bullshit, I meant her lectures.

Her whistle was blown, the side conversations stopped, everyone looked and faced toward coach and she started the bull shit. Yeah, two words now.

"You know what I hate to hear?" Coach started. Her eyes were moving ferociously around the team, trying to find something to nitpick so she could add that to her not-needed speech. "Someone complaining. You know why I hate to hear that? Because I could've gotten a girl on this team who would feel honored and-"

I zoomed out the rest. It was the same things she said on a daily basis. I could repeat it back to her five times, backwards, and in Spanish.

"What did you say to her?" I turned to my left and spotted Kiana next to me. Her eyes were big and accusing.

I gasped. "Why do you think I said something?"

She made a face. A I can see through your lies face. "You were the last person she talked to and she stormed to the front after that. God, don't tell me you told her you fucked her husband?"

I scrunched my face up. "What the hell? No, I didn't tell her. All I said was that I was tired."

I felt her hit me. No, scratch that, I felt her punch me. Punch me right in the arm. What in the living hell? "Did you forget? Don't ever say that you're tired. She hates that word. Remember the last time she heard the word tired?"

Oh shit. I sure do remember. She had overheard a teammate tell another teammate that she was tired and coach made everyone - yes everyone - drop down and give her twenty push-ups. And if she felt like any of us were doing our form wrong, she would add on another two. I remember her saying, Now you have a right to be tired. Don't say it again when it's not needed.

She was a sick person. And not just because she was cheating on her hunk of a husband, but because of her horrible coaching abilities.

I brought my hands to my face and dropped my head. "Fuck, I forgot. Let's hope she takes it easy since tomorrow is game day. She needs to cut us some slack, we've been working our asses off all week."

The sound of Coach Taylor's whistle blowing brought our attention back to the front. Where she was still standing with her hands on her hips and her eyes annoyed. She blew it again then spit it out her mouth like she was some bad bitch. "Everyone give me three laps. Let's see who's tired then."

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