| Chapter Eighteen + What do snitches get? |

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I couldn't wait until today was over with.

Tomorrow. . .oh boy, tomorrow was going to be a show. A shit show. I had the perfect plan to expose Coach Taylor and her cheating ass. It was going to be before practice. I would wake up a little early to get there before other people started to show up. I would go into Veer's office - with my best slutty clothing on - and show him the pictures I gathered. It could go one or two ways: he could be mad and angry fuck me or he could be grateful for the information and happy fuck me. Either way, in my plan, he was going to fuck me.

And after he fucked me, I would assume he would bring the pictures up to his wife. His wife would plead, he wouldn't care, then Coach Taylor would quit her job, they would divorce, she would fall down a mysterious black hole - never to be seen again - and Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, my fairytale happy ending would finally come true.

And the best part of it all: no more practice!

A new coach would serve me just well too. I do like the cheering sport, but most times, Coach Taylor was a pain in my ass. But surprisingly, this week had been a good one. Practice was canceled on Monday because coach had said that she was sick. Ha, more like she was a sick deceiving bitch because I bet she was still out of the city with that mystery man. Now that had me wondering if her other "sick days" were coded for dick days. It weirdly would always be Mondays that she missed. . .

Anyhoo, Veer and I still haven't spoken since that altercation at his house. I haven't seen the man since and I missed him. I was excited to see him tomorrow. Very, very, very excited because I had proof of his little wife cheating and this would be the perfect thing to finally break that already-broken couple up. Now I knew how Alicia Keys felt. The power, oooh the power.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

I could finally get rid of those feelings. Yes, I could still feel the guilt and shame. I was happy that some of it had slimmed down because of the mall fiasco. But most were still present, pecking at me. Poking at me. When I was laying it bed, it was keeping me up. When I was by my lonesome, the stupid thoughts came back. I needed to get them gone for good and when that word divorce came out of his mouth and when that wedding ring slipped off, I was going to be the happiest girl ever.

Anything and I mean anything he wanted, I would do. He wanted his toenails clipped? I would do it. He wanted his toenails eaten? I would pretend they were m&m's and get to biting and swallowing. I would be the fourth destiny child and sing the song Cater 2 U like my life depended on it.

When was tomorrow?

In one hour to be precise. It was eleven o'clock on a Tuesday. Many of my fellow classmates were asleep or in their dorms by this time during the week. This was college, but people still got their priorities right. Which was why I was mad at myself for staying up so late watching re-runs of Moesha. But Netflix was truly to blame. I blame the whole company for keeping me up an hour later than my regular bedtime. Then another hour. And another. And by the time I checked the clock on my laptop, it was one in the morning.

Fuck. I was already fucked, so another episode wouldn't hurt-

I heard a knock on my door.

I looked at the time again. Yes, it was one something and that was my confusion. It was one am. In the morning. Who could possibly be knocking on my door at that hour. Maybe it was just the show's sound effect?

I tuned back in. Three more knocks were heard.

Definitely my door. I paused the episode, got out of the comfort of covers and blankets, slipped on my slippers, and made my way to my door. I checked my peephole and what I spotted. . .holy fuck.

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