| Chapter Eleven + Jealousy killed the cat |

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Veer doesn't deserve my diamond pussy.

No, I wouldn't necessary call it that myself, but fuck it- Someone had said it tasted like diamonds so it had to be somewhat valuable. Or maybe I just had been fucking a crackhead? Possibly a dumbass? Could be both. I'll roll with it anyway.

Veer didn't deserve anything of mine. All he deserved was his wife's assists. Isn't that right? He married the lady for God's sakes.

How dare he tell me that what happened in that office room was nothing? Said that it was just payback from me pleasuring him? Really Veer? If it was fucking payback why was your horny ass dry dumping an armrest?

But because I was such an understanding and kind human being (just please forget for one second that I had been trying to get with a married man), I would listen to his lies. I would respect his wishes. If he didn't want me to touch him? No big deal, I would totally listen. If he didn't want what happened to happen again, I would a hundred percent follow that.

That didn't mean that I would stop with my games though. Nothing too out the ordinary or too desperate. People please, you knew me better. I would just wear my good shorts, cute sports bras, maybe flirt with different people I see. I wasn't just doing all this because of him, it brought joy and excitement in my life too. And if it so happened that Veer was looking extra hard and came running back to me, I wasn't going to exactly turn him away.

No judging people. It was just a little plan I had in my back pocket. Nothing out of my ordinary.

I arrived at practice with my head on straight. My legs in place. My attitude skewed to the right. And body on display. Not too much that would cause eyes to turn my way, but just enough to leave many men wondering. Hell, I liked showing off my body.

And lucky for me, as I was walking on the field, a special man's eyes were already on me. Veer. Shit, actually I wasn't so lucky because now I wanted him to touch me again and that was a no-no. Did my internal speech from before mean nothing? Evil tiny Sevyn was shaking her head. I was doomed.

Then I was saved. Something on the side of Veer interested me. Well someone. Another man, slightly smaller fit and shorter, was standing next to Veer. Clipboard also in his hand and looking at the players practice their drills.

Oh no. Oh yes. Evil tiny Sevyn was now humping the air and hands swinging like crazy. I had a plan. A stupid, jealousy, petty, acting like a teenager type of plan- but a plan.

And, fuck, if Veer didn't want me or only saw me as a girl who could just be there to suck some dick- I was better than that. (I think) I had a right to flirt with whomever I wanted. Right here on this field, in front of his face. (Trouble) And maybe that guy standing next to Veer was the love of my life? (Doubt it) But I wasn't getting any younger. College days were the time to fuck, suck, lick, try, taste, eat, squirt on and whatever the shit.

"Hey Sev, you good? You have been standing here for like five minutes, lost in space." My head turned and boom, Kiana was there again to bring me back to earth.

"Yeah. Shit. Was thinking." I turned my focus back on the duo planted on the felid. "You know who that guy is? He's cute, right?" I caught the side of his face once and he was. . .attractive. Well obviously, not Veer level of panty-melting, but he didn't look like Shrek's long lost brother. I could flirt with someone who was cute.

"Always the older ones, huh?" She shook her head and I could physically hear the smile in her words. "I think he's one of those special guest coaches. Like the ones who come every three months or so to help out the boys? Pretty sure he was in the NFL and won a ring too. Heard some girls gossiping about it earlier in the locker room."

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