| Chapter Three + Lying was a sin. Adultery? I have to get back to you |

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First thing I noticed when I came on the field this morning was the over excessive amount of people on the field. Yes we were a sport school and yes half the time the field was loaded with people, but on a Monday morning? Usually, it was closed practice during the week. Which meant that only certain people were allowed on the field at once. Football and cheer; the main ones holding up the field. This crowded? On a Monday morning? Very unusual.

But you are probably wondering how my weekend went? It was fine. Not really living it all up to the college expectations, but I did all that shit when I was in freshman year. Meaning, I went to a party every other week. Yes of course I still went to parties, but not all the time. This weekend, after Saturday practice, I hung out with my mom. Blessed because she only lived two and a half hours away. Sunday night, I arrived back to my dorm and hit the bed. My weekend was not that eventful. Sorry, people.

Eventful shit usually occurred during the week, for me. Especially because I would be in the presence of Coach Epps. He just made me. . .awk. Spazz out. Especially after whatever the hell he did the last time we talked. When he touched me there, I almost spazzed out. I literally felt my knees give out. I had to control my arms so they wouldn't give in to my inner bad desires and just zip his pants down and stroke him. Which I had wanted to do. I wanted to touch him. He said that bullshit about us not ever happening? Then what the hell was that before?

The man was funny.

I like funny. I love funny. Was his wife funny? Did she like funny?

I stopped myself- who cared? Not I. All I cared about was getting in that man's pants and heart. I wanted him whole and completely. And who could stop me? What was this wife some people speak of? He didn't claim her. She didn't claim him. Who's hands were in my shorts a few days ago? Not a married man's for sure.

And I knew when I would see him this Monday morning, he would remember what happened last time. Remember what he said to me. Remember what he did to me. I would make sure of it. I had put on a cute skirt, with a cute top and styled my locs into a bun. Makeup was on point. Outfit was on point. Dark skin was glowing and moisturized. I was fucking ready for the day and ready to keep this man on his toes, but I was stopped short when I saw what was occurring on the field this morning.

Oh how dumb was I that I had forgotten how much this school loves football.

The excessive crowd of people were because of the football team. Crowd was filled with news reporters, journalists, cameras and crew. People, people and more people. Today was what we called in school: News day. It meant that reports were coming here to interview the players on the football team, shots would be shot by cameras, practices would be recored and all that. Since we shared a field with the team, cheer would also be featured. Cameras would zoom in and record all over the field. A new football season was starting up and the first game would be occurring at the end of this week, so it would be very chaotic week at school.

I had forgotten how batshit crazy this school was about football and why we were also one of the top five schools for it. Veer Epps was one of the reasons for it. How we had that title. His skills, his teachings, him. He was the reason why and how we did so good in the league. He wasn't just hot as fuck, he was a handsome man with a big brain who knew how to coach a whole field of boys and have them ready, each game to win. Another reason why I was drooling for the man.

I passed by a tent, out of three, filled with people under it, staring at the field and made my way toward my side where my team was gathering. Coach Taylor was also making her way over there, so that meant that I hadn't been daydreaming for so long and she won't be yelling down my throat. Good.

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