| Chapter Fourteen + A friendly gift |

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I slept amazing last night.

I had an amazing night last night.

I joked, I laughed, I almost fucked Veer on a bar stool last night. Any women in my position would be jumping off the fucking walls to finally get other emotions aside from: mad; to show up on that man's face. Except for his wife because she. . .you know, skipped the dinner halfway? Shocking.

Speaking of his wife. . .the lady was presented in front of me - and the team - this morning, running her big ass mouth per usual. (Did I sound bitter? I promise I wasn't bitter.)

"Good morning, girls." Coach began, clapping her hands loudly to get everyone's attention. We all huddled around her, forming our usual morning circle while she did her usual morning announcements. "Before we get todays practice started, I have a special announcement to share with you!"

What? You rolling out those divorce papers?

With the way her smile was so big and present on her face, I was assuming it was the opposite of what I hoped. "This Friday is an away-game!" She exclaimed. "The away-games are starting up again and I want you guys to know that we need to come on our opponents field and make it our own! I am so very excited about these away games and you guys should be too!"

Hm and what got you so excited Coach Taylor? Other men to gawk at?

Again, not bitter.

I honestly didn't favor away-games as much as my coach here. It meant that coach would push us harder that upcoming week, so we didn't look a fool on our opponents field. Her words. Also didn't favor away games because I didn't want to be stuck on a bus with smelly players. These past years when we went on our away-games, it was torture. I just watched Veer from my seat in the back, while the boys were in the front, making a ruckus and acting like little kids. I would be longing for him while I was in the back. Just wishing. But this year, maybe I could get in the same spirit my coach was. Maybe I could use these bus rides for my advantage. . .

She blew on her whistle twice. "Alright girls, enough of the morning chit-chat, let's start practicing!" And that was what we did.

As always, our practice was a lot. Coach Taylor always working our asses. But this morning, this morning was different from the past morning. This morning we had entertainment. Entertainment in the form of the boys having their photoshoot. Should I have lead with that in the beginning? Would've made the story more exciting? Well good things always come to those who wait. And I Goddamn hoped a good thing was coming my way because instead of prancing on Veer, when I first saw him walk on the feild, like an animal in heat; I was waiting. Waiting for my signal. Waiting until we were locked away. Waiting. . .until some bitch stopped touching his arm?

Yeah, a bitch was touching my married man's, kinda man's shoulder! Okay I was wigging out, but the sight that was in front of me was full on flirting. Hello where was his wife when you needed the useless lady? Oh she was teaching a class - my class -, but surely if I could take glances every now and then, then she should've seen this shit and grabbed him by his collar already?

My eyes were totally zoomed into the actions that were occurring across the field. The makeup stylist? Maybe random groupie who found her way on our field? was laughing loud and hard in Veer's face and touching his arm again, again, and again. Hello you are married, mister! Veer was just standing there with his arms crossed against his chest, face looked blank, and just letting the lady touch him! His wife didn't give a damn! He didn't give a damn! The makeup artist or whatever the shit didn't give a damn!

Was I the only person in this world who had morals?

Ha, I was stretching it, but at least I was decent enough to not do shit in front of his wife (most of the time).

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