| Chapter Thirty One + The simple things |

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This week had been the best. This past weekend was the date that had been planned with Veer and let me tell you, it was spectacular. Amazing. I wished all my weekends were like that. Not just because of the sex and how perfect it felt for both of us to be close again, but because I was there with him. With him and him only.

This whole week, I felt like I was high off him. I felt like I was floating on my toes. When I would wake up, I would wake up with a smile on my face. I did everything with a smile on my face. Early morning lecture? Had a smile on my face. Doing homework? A bigger smile on my face. Taking a shit? Best believe all my teeth were showing and I was glowing while squatting on that toilet for dear life.

My mood was up, my energy was up and my heart was full. Full of what? Full of him. Veer and Veer only.

After we cleaned ourselves up from the date, we got back in the car and he drove me back to campus. He parked the car and said a whole bunch of amazing shit like I had a nice time, we need to do it again, I love the way you smile and more. So, of course, I attacked him. He requested a goodnight kiss and I attacked him like a hungry lion to a fragile deer. For ten minutes, our lips were adjoined, our hands were going crazy and our feelings were soaring. At least mine were.

I could assume his feelings were too because when I disconnected - yes I disconnected from the kiss to take a breather - he looked broken and shell-shocked. I was equally shell-shocked because this man made my feelings soar. When he was listing his family, I wanted my name to be part of that list. When he was expressing his sorrow about his dad, I wanted to be the one to comfort him. When he was talking about his terrible excuse of a mother, I wanted to find her, tranquilize her, stuff her in a box and throw her in the ocean.

I wanted to be all that and more to him.

Did he want the same?

I was nervous to ask. Which was completely out of character, but once again I had to state, Veer did this to me. From the very first second I saw him, I knew I wanted something. I thought it was the third leg between his legs, but recently, it had been turning into something. . .greater. That was the word; greater. I realized that I didn't want to be a sneaky sidepiece. I liked and wanted his wife long gone. I wanted those divorce papers signed the minute we first had sex. Truthfully, the first time he touched me, I knew there could be no one else. No one else could have this much effect on me. No one else was going to make me feel the way Veer made me feel.

I felt like I could be something greater. Have more. And if I got to pick who to share it with, Veer was the one. I liked him. A lot. I liked how tough and strict he was with his boys. I liked how he found me unresistible, persistent, annoying? but nonetheless, still wanted to be with me. I liked how he didn't run his mouth and the words that did come out, held meaning for me.

He knew how to make me smile, knew the touch that would drive me wild, and was willing to learn more. I was happy. I was happy with Veer.

And this very morning, guess what? I woke up with an even bigger smile on my face from the early days of this week.

It was six am and I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. I did my morning routine; took a shower, lathered myself in scented lotion and perfume, brushed my teeth, did my hair, put on my practice clothes, and accessories then put my workout bag and bookbag on my shoulders and exited my dorm room. I took the needed steps it took to reach the elevator, rode the elevator, arrived at the first level, went out my dorm budlings doors, and was met with a surprise.

Veer was sitting on a bench, that was placed on the side of my building. Luckily, I wasn't on my phone when I exited the building, or else I would've missed his handsome self-sitting. He rose when he spotted me, I smiled even bigger, and damn, he was the hottest man I'd ever seen. He was sporting an Adidas cap on his head and had the team school's logo hoodie on and black sweatpants. He looked so fucking good in the morning. His eyes were warm, his body always produced warmth and my heart was crawling out of my body trying to stuff itself down his throat and be placed right next to his.

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