| Chapter Twenty Two + The unforeseen circumstance |

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Okay, I'll admit it, I was an honest woman (sometimes). I spoke the truth (most times). I regret agreeing to go on this date.

And no, don't even get it into your head, don't even suggest, don't even think for a second that it was because of Veer.

Fine, fuck, I was an honest woman (again, sometimes), so I could admit that a smidge of a reason that I wasn't enjoying this date was because my date wasn't a hot ass football coach that knew how to work my nerves. That wasn't the only reason for my dislike for this. . .date. I didn't even want to call it a date. Weren't dates supposed to make you feel giddy and special?

I felt none of the above. One reason was because he arrived fifteen minutes late to pick me up. So I was standing outside for fifteen minutes looking like a dumbass. Strike One.

I didn't strangle the man- yes I really wanted to, but I didn't. What I did do was go on the date. Stop the throwing of tomatoes and stop the booing!- when he arrived, he had a pretty bouquet of flowers in his hands. He said he was late because he picked them from his garden and wanted me to have the best of the flowers.

Of course I awed at that. I liked flowers and a guy who personally picked flowers for me? It made me smile. So knowing that, I erased the strike from him.

Sadly, the night didn't continue on the happy track. When he asked what I wanted to do, I suggested that we go to dinner. My favorite place to go on a first date was dinner. It was the best way to determine if you and this person would really get along and best place to ask questions. It was also useful to see how someone ate. If he ate like a dog who just had a taste of his first bone- red flag. Like a big red fucking flag, people. That meant his teeth will be out when he goes down on you. You don't want a biter!

He had other plans though and countered my suggestion with one of his owns. Didn't he want me to pick this date? He suggested that we see a movie (his choice) and then go to dinner. Welp, there goes it; Strike One back again.

I complied. I was already dressed and free movie and food? What person would say no to that? I said sure and he took that as an excited go and started up the engine, with a bright smile on his face, and went on his marry way.

I was slightly annoyed and to calm my frustration, I looked down at my pretty flowers. Shouldn't have done that because I became even more annoyed. I twirled the things around and spotted a price tag hidden in the paper vase. Strike Two.

My guess was that he forgotten, spotted a flower-selling person on the way here and bought them to "cheer" me up or make me forget the mixup. God, was this karma for all the homewrecking I was doing before? Will all my dates be fucked?

I wanted to bang my head against the windshield but surpassed. It was now officially known that this was going to be my one and only date with this man and we haven't even had a full conversation. Life was funny.

Now strike three didn't come until later on in the night. He was being. . .himself. Cocky, flirty, blah blah. He opened my doors, bought the tickets and food, even made a laugh or two come out of me. That didn't mean I was going to go back on my decision: this was never going to happen again. But I was going to make the most of my situation and not sulk the whole night. As I said before, free movie and free food? Write my name across the dotted line and stick the pen up my ass. I was up for it!

We went in the theater, things were fine, the movie started, and things became un-fine. He was a movie talker. Now, normally, I was a movie talker. Little side comments here and there and questions, but most times, I was at my house. Shawn though? His mouth ran a fucking mile. Every second it would either be one of these: a laugh followed by the push of my shoulder, a question which would be very fucking obvious. For example, one time he asked Is that his dad? and not a second later, actor said hi dad. Or he would scream. Like a full-on horror movie scream. Keep in mind, we are watching a fucking plane action movie. His choice, of course.

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