| Chapter Twenty Four + Don't forget to blink |

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Three months later. . .

Life was crazy.

My life had been crazy. After that horrific sick situation with Veer, with his ex wife, with me- things have been crazy. Well the first month of things had been crazy. The very next school day, Monday, Coach Taylor had given me hell. Like complete hell. I mean, I got it. I seduced your husband, I slept with your husband, I sucked your husband's dick- and you walked in. I get it. I got it, but did you really have to make my life hell? Did you not cheat yourself?

She had me running like crazy every practice. At least two full runs along the whole football field. One before practice and one after practice. She told my peers that she was getting me ready for some made-up playoffs thing. But I knew the real reason, she wanted me to suffer. I embarrassed her and she wanted me to pay for me. Not only did she make me run my fucking edges off, but she always ran her mouth to give me shit. I could mutter, whisper, cough on the field and her head would turn to me and she would tell me to shut my mouth.

I wanted to strangle her.

I wanted to strangle her husband.

And it seemed liked she wanted to do the same thing. (Guess we had one thing in common.) She barely looked in his direction when we were on the field and when she did accidentally glance over, her eyes her still that same fiery red look from before. Guess the last conversation ended sour.

Everyone saw that the couple was feuding. Some teammates of mine even suggested that one of them cheated. We saw that her wedding ring was off her finger and we saw his was off too, so that was a certain that her and Veer were completely donzo.

Coach Taylor was also completely donzo with this school. Her torturing me only lasted two weeks - two long fucking weeks. On that third week, Monday morning, we saw another coach come onto the field. She told us that she was Coach Taylor's replacement for the rest of this year until the school hired another permeant one. I didn't know how to handle that news.

She obviously left because of the situation, right? I was surprised she didn't out me. Maybe she was too embarrassed to tell, embarrassed that it was a player on her team? I also think that if she bought this out to the public, they would get to know her real character (duh because I would be the one to tell it) and know that she wasn't an angel in this story.

Overall, everything happened for a reason. Coach Taylor had left. Veer was still a fucking dick and nothing was going to change my opinion about that. Yes, he had approached me that very same school terrorizing Monday morning to talk, but I shooed him away and told him he could fuck himself. I was done with him and it seemed like he was done with me. We were done with each other. We hadn't spoken again after that. And three months later, we still weren't speaking. I would see him on the field and completely turn my head the other way. Sometimes, only sometimes, did I feel his eyes. I ignored those stares. I ignored every single thing about that man. He didn't mean anything to me and it was going to stay that way.

Kiana liked my plan. Kiana called Veer many, many, many names which I didn't really care to repeat. Most were Satanic and I didn't want a Veer demon to haunt me in my dreams.

Over these past months, I became slightly envious of Kiana. Her and Morgan were finally dating and these past months, especially this past month, I officially had to be called the third wheeler. Those two were stuck at the fucking hip. Wherever Ki went, Morgan was there. Vice versa. I will not be too bothered with it because this was Kiana's first truly real relationship and they were adorable. But if it went longer than six months, I was going to call up a doctor and have Morgan's head surgically removed off of Kiana's shoulder.

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