| Chapter Thirty Two + Life is confusing |

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"He took you where?"

Kiana questioned me as we made our way toward the locker rooms, now that our morning practice was over with.

We had been discussing these past weeks and how our lives have been. A Future and Drake song perfectly summarized my feelings toward life: Life is good. I was content with my studies, cheer was cheer, and the man in my life that I always fantasized about from the sidelines was mine. He gifted me a necklace. He took me on the best date of my life. We kissed, we hugged, and we talked on a regular basis. Nah, I needed a better word for good. Life is fucking fantastic. Better than good.

I spotted the man that held up the most space in my mind. He was located sitting on the bleachers. As Kiana and I made our way off the field, I spotted his eyes fully focused on me. Hell, during the last minute of practice, his eyes were fully focused in me. Veer had ended practice five minutes earlier than our practice this morning and ever since then, I felt his eyes on me. He was seated with a playbook in his hand and a ballcap on his head. He looked so good, just sitting there gawking at me sneakily, and it took everything in me to not go over there and trample the man like an elephant in heat.

Still, he was still staring me at while I have been talking to Ki, as we walked. His look was getting me hot and achy. I could calm myself now but after I got dressed, I was going right to his office. Going to be blessed with his presence.

I pivoted my head and faced forward. Putting my attention on the locker room dorm in front of us, which we were opening. My smile was big as I finally answered back. "To a drive-in movie. And we were the only ones present. He rented the whole thing out for our date. It was perfect." I listened as the double doors shut behind us. "Then a couple of days ago, he gives me this." My hands skittle across the necklace under my hoodie and I pull out the material, showing it proudly. "I haven't taken it off since he gave it to me."

Kiana basically slapped my hand away and used her own to touch my necklace. Her mouth opened on an o and she said, "Oh my-that's so cute, Sevyn. Morgan still hasn't gotten me anything yet." Then her eyes rolled playfully. I knew she was just teasing, but I still needed to inform her,

"Shut up. You know that man is obsessed with you." I knew that I quieted down her taunts. "He will gift you something when the time is right."

Her smile became equally as bright as mine. "I know, I'm just joking and anxious and slightly scared for this weekend. Shit, did I tell you what's happening this weekend? I'm so nervous."

I laughed at her frightened expression. In a split second, her expression transformed from excited, playful, scared then scared straight. "Hold on hold on, what's happening this weekend?" I questioned.

"I'm meeting Morgan's parents and I'm freaking out." It was true. She was so freaked out, she stopped walking and paused in the middle of the walkway. I apologetically smiled at a couple of our teammates who were walking behind us.

"Hey, hey." My hands moved high and I brought them up and down to Ki's shoulders and patted comfortably. "They will love you. Don't stress out too much about it."

"I know, I know, I'm just ahhh." I knew exactly what ahhh meant. It's a certain language you could only understand with a best friend. Ki continued overthinking though. "I've only met one set of parents in my years of dating and it was Trey's parents. His mom was a nightmare. She didn't like me for whatever reason and would give me mean looks when I would visit. And I want the opposite for Morgan's mom. For morgan's whole family."

"Well Trey's weird, so it's fitting that his family is also weird." I said. "Also, Morgan's family is not Trey's family. Morgan's family will love you and if they don't, oh well, you aren't marrying the mom."

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