| Chapter Five + I have a PhD in sucking dick |

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song: Freak by Doja Cat (slowed)

Ah, it was going to be a good day today. The motherfucking sun was shinning. The birds were singing. The flowers were grooving. The insects were all getting happily fucked. Shit, was I next? Was I gonna get happily fucked by my dream man? My vagina was desperately calling for a release. Release from all the sexy times I had with Coach Epps. And damn, had we had a lot of those times.

But was my vagina calling out for Veer's dick anything new? Nah. Today though, today was going to be exceptionally amazing because it was game day. Game day bitches! Finally. Now, I wasn't the best about sports nor did I have loads of school spirit, but still it was big for me. Cheer was going to be performing on that big field. Finally. After hours of practice and more practice we are finally being showcased for the school and many more to see.

Also, we were versing a big school today. Ohio State. And Ohio State was off the fucking charts. Like amazingly good. But I have faith in us; we barely lose. I have faith in our boys, in our coach. Plus if we didn't win, we would look very suckish because this is our home, our field. We basically had to win. And we were going to. (I had faith.)

This morning, I came into practice with a big smile on my face. I had my hair already did, edges perfect and slicked down. Had my makeup dreamy. Oiled and shinning legs on display. And a big fat smile on my beautiful face. I was excited for this day. . .not that excited for the night though. There was a party after the game - congratulations or a good job party, based on the outcome of the game -, but I couldn't attend. I had a test coming up and this night would be my only free night until Monday. My cousin was coming to visit this weekend so tonight would be me in my dorm room studying away.


Well, I needed a good job after school and passing all my classes were required for that to happen.

That was the whole reason why I even went the party on Thursday. So I could at least show my face once. I bet this party will be more buzzy or whatever, but to be completely honest, I wasn't that bothered. Parties would be the same shit; get drunk, dance, smoke, maybe fuck and whatever. There will always be another party. . .will there be another test? Yes to that too.

As I said before, the fucking sun was shinning and that meant I was parched. Standing on this field with the hot ass sun shining down on me? Of course I was going to be parched. But before I could grab myself a water, Coach Taylor called out to us. "Ladies, ladies, ladies. Do you know what today is?"

The day I get to fuck your husband?

"Game dayyyyyy!" Some random person on the team screamed out.

"That's right, Ryan. Game day ladies! And game day means perfection, only perfection. Got it?" She barely gave us time to answer before she started up a new sentence. "I want to see the routine done three times; no errors, no mistakes, perfection and then I will dismiss you guys from practice. Remember, I just need three times no mistakes. Now, get to positions!"

It was sad really. I came to this practice with a positive mindset. Started the whole day with a positive mindset and what does God test me with? This fucking coach. Of course she found some flaw, some error in each one of our times we did the whole routine. We did the routine over again, again and again until she thought it was perfect. But in my eyes; the first time we did it was good enough. At least my parts were.

I didn't know why, but I felt like she got a vagina hard-on from watching us suffer. From watching other people suffer. That would explain her marriage. Maybe she knew that Veer was dead inside, not fulfilled, bored and she liked it like that. Liked seeing people torn and it was all from her doing. I wouldn't put it past a bitch who said that John Legend was the sexiest man alive. She said that she brought every single magazine of that man's face. Insane, much? John Legend has as much sex appeal as Winnie the Pooh. Aka: none. The woman was nookers.

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