| Chapter Fifteen + Touchdown! |

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song: Rocket by Beyoncé (slowed)

Tonight was the night of our school's first away game. Was I nervous? Maybe. Was I excited? Sure. Was I horny? You motherfucking bet, but the first half of tonight; I promised myself that I was going to be focusing all my attention on my duties and the actual team. Not just the coach.

Weird, right?

I felt like my abilities have shifted a little to the left. Also thought that because a day ago, Coach Taylor said; Sevyn, get your head in the game or you're going to be sitting on the sidelines. So these past days, my attention to Veer slid. Don't be mistaken, I still wanted to swallow every single inch of that man, but it was just going happen after the game was done. After this game was done, so I could shut Coach up. My attention is here on this field, bitch! Not fantasizing about sticking your husband's thumb in my asshole!

Once the final quarter was over and we saw those results on the scoreboard, I was back to being the same horny bitch from before. Hell, it didn't matter if we lost or won (Veer would be in a better mood if we won but. . .), I had a plan to stick that python down my throat.

Fuck, thinking about Veer's dick was making me become very agitated and squirmy. That was a bad thing because I couldn't - well shouldn't - be aggressively horny on a bus with more than forty students aboard. And with most of the students being football college guys.

Fuck me. This stunk. I was on a bus with students who were all screaming like they had no common sense, with teammates who were fighting over the small bathroom, and with a seriously hot football coach in the front who was too far out of my reach. The only upside of this situation was that Coach Taylor - the man stealer - was nowhere on this bus.

Coach Taylor had told us this week that she wasn't ever going to be riding the bus with us again. I can admit, yes the bus was rowdy, but couldn't you sacrifice just a little rowdiness to be with the love of your life? Sitting close to your husband as you look at the trees, roads and sky? Okay, so maybe I was not making the best image, but what the hell? Her ass would be getting to sit next to Veer the whole trip and just feel him. Yes, feel him.

This was what happened when you weren't by your husband's side twenty-four-seven. . . I was now going to be taking advantage of this situation and grab it by the tits. On the way back, I was going to be sitting in the seat right next to Veer. Maybe he even would want me to. . .maybe he would lift my cheer skirt a little up. . .maybe he would caress his rough warm hands across my skin. . .maybe he would drag my panties down. . .maybe he would stick his fingers inside-

"Sev, you good? You keep squirming in your seat like a weirdo." Kiana, Ki-fucking-iana, spoke to the right of me. Her and I were seat partners, but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to last the whole way for the trip though. Morgan was constantly breaking his neck. Kept looking back at Kiana and doing shit with his eyebrows like they were saying; hey, baby, wanna sit next to me and not your weird friend who keeps having sexual thoughts about Coach Veer?

My eyes opened quickly - fuck, I didn't even know they were closed - and I sat up, oh again, so quick. "Fuck, I was? Shut up, it-it was nothing."

"Hm, you sure? Because I kept hearing the whispers of Veer, oh dadddddy Veer. Come fuck me daddyyy." She mimicked, her eyes closing and her body slight shaking- as if I was actually doing all that shit.

"Shut up." I hit my annoying friend. "You know I don't talk in my sleep. And I definitely don't talk in my fantasies." I rolled my eyes after I saw her touch her arm so delicately, like my hit actually hurt. "Also, I would never call Veer daddy, just not my thing. If anything, he should call me daddy." I laughed at that.

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