| Chapter Twenty Six + "At first I did love you, but now I just wanna fuck" |

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"Fuck yes, yes, yes, yes. Keep touching me. Yes."

I whimpered against the door. Veer's office door that I was plastered against.

Don't judge, don't curse me out, don't do any of the above. I had an itch and he knew how to scratch it. That was all it was. That was all it was ever going to be. The man was a fucking idiot, but the fucking idiot knew how to work his dick. His dick which was plunging in and out of my sweet spot. Holy fuck. Another yes was moaned out as he grabbed my chest again and pulled on my nipple buds.

The side of my face became even more imprinted into his office door as he slammed into me once again. Slam, slam, slam, his thighs were making contact with my bottom as he was thrusting and the rough contact felt so fucking good. I thought I was close before, but now I was about to burst and leave a little present in one of the two places: around his dick or between my thighs.

"Take it. Take it. Take it all." No, we weren't listing to an Adele song. Veer had grunted that against my ear as he speed up his thrusting. Even though I told him to do the complete opposite and not say a single word during these "actives."

"Shut the fuck up." I gasped out through my moans. He was making speaking very troubling for me. "I said no talking, Ve-er." The last bit of my sentence became higher than normal, higher than Snoop on the 20th day in the month April, as I felt it come over me.

I was there. My climax was banging on my door, no- bursting through my door. Through my walls. I closed my eyes, Veer bit my neck and not a second later, my juices came flowing out of me and I swore I was seeing color through my pitch black eyelids. I covered my mouth to try to keep some of my screaming down, then I let all the emotions come over me and fully released. Fuck, fuck, holy fuck. Veer was coming at the same time as me. Veer's body moved slightly back from behind me and I felt his stream of liquid hit my bottom cheeks. He pulled out and he choose my ass as the best place to mark. (It was better than the places he released on before; Vagina? Not good, no babies. Face? We were at school. Feet? He was a sick man for that one.)

My eyes reopened as I came back down. And what I was glancing at was pissing me off. His goddamn office door. So I did what I always did when we finished; I pushed him off of me and put on my best fuck off face, then I turned around to face him, ready to put on my clothes but paused-

"Can I have napkin or a wipe?" The liquid stain on my ass needed to be removed off of me, stat. I didn't want anyone to get ideas.

He said nothing back as he turned around - butt as naked - to a storage shelve where I saw a pack of wet wipes stationed. He grabbed three wipes out the package, slowly walked back toward me and handed me what was requested.

I quietly thanked him and wiped my ass cheeks, making sure I never made eye contact with him as I was completing this. Even though this wasn't the first time this occurrence happened. Okay, fiiine, this thing happened once before. Okay maybe twice before. . .or was it three times before? All I knew was that today was Friday and we had fucked on Thursday, Wednesday and Monday of this week. All in this office. Monday and Wednesday on the desk and Thursday on the wall. No, I wasn't bragging. Why would someone even suggest that?

And we had that first fuck that was over the weekend. But nothing else was happening. We would fuck then I would put on my clothes and act like nothing happened. That was the routine, he knew. I knew. Everyone knew.

Anyways, I pulled up my underwear, skirt, and fixed my top. I threw the wipes in the trashcan and fastened on my shoes. Ready to get going and get the hell out.

I spoke, "So, I'm going to go. Goodbye now." I turned back around and put my hand on the door nob, but of course was interrupted with my actions.

"Sevyn wait, are we going to talk about this?"

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