| Chapter Four + I could teach a master class in seduction. . .NOT |

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I wished that I took my own car.

Bold statement for me to make because I had my best friend in this car with me; Kiana. But sorry, I wished that I took my own car. First, it was too crowded. With a car that only barely fit five people, why the fuck were six people? We were dealing with two basketball players also in the car, so you already knew that they ran long and it would still be a tight fit with five people. We had six.

Ty was in the driver's seat, his car, so one basketball player was dealt with. But I had to share a whole backseat, only meant for three people, and had to squeeze everyone in. In the backseat was me, Kiana, Trey: her ex-not-ex, and Tiana: a mutual friend of Ki and I. Guess who was left? Yup, Elle was here. In the front seat with Ty. That was supposed to be my seat, but she beat me to it, literally blocking the damn door and I had to be squooshed in the back with three other people.

Second reason to why I wanted to drive my own car; the flirting was making things very awkward. Obviously Ki didn't listen to my or her own advice and was still seeing Trey. Ki was seated next to me and Trey the window seat, next to her and their touching was very noticeable. But that was not the reason for the awkwardness. All the awkwardness was because of the 'couple' in the front. It was quite painful watching Elle flirt with a man that wasn't interested anymore. He was the literal definition of hit and quit. Somehow and someway Elle would find a reason to touch the steering wheel and Ty would move his hand quick and give her a look. Other times she would make faces and/or say stuff. I kinda felt sad for the girl. She couldn't take a hint and that man was throwing them and tomatoes all down her act.

But enough about the negative. Sorry, I just had to get the that out the way. This was going to be a good night. It had been a good day. This Thursday morning- remember when Veer said that he didn't want me? He was a damn lie because I saw him this morning, more than once look at my ass. Looking at me when he thought I wasn't playing attention. It had been a good day in my classes too, well except for a big test coming up, things were good. And it was going to be a good night. I planned on it.

You know what's a positive reason for not taking my car though? Now I could get drunk. Fucking drunk. I could do whatever the hell I wanted and not have to worry about trying to start an automobile. Win for me.

"Does anyone know who's house this is at again?"

Ty's question brought me out from my head. I hadn't known who's house this party was at, but I had a feeling on who did.

"This guy names Leon. He's in like one of my class, but is barely there." Of course Elle was the one to answer. She knew ever-y-body. Her words, not mine. "I got his instagram and snapchat too. He's like best friends with the quarterback of the team and I heard that his house is fucking amazing. I wonder why they didn't have other parties there then."

"Because his parents are fucking insane. His ass is only hosting this one, this time, because his parents are off on a trip right now." Trey commented. I saw his hand swooshing back and forth against my best friends upper thigh. Let's hope it didn't go any higher tho, playboy. "He's loaded, but he's shit scared of his parents so once a while when his parents aren't home, he host these parties."

"Cool, lets hope he has a pool. Or twenty. I want to go skinny dipping, like tonight. I never tried and I'm not getting any younger." Tiana said. She was the more crazier, wild, psycho bitch in our little group. She loved trying new things and I couldn't blame her, life was young and this was the best time to try different crazy ass things.

"Skinny dipping, huh?" Ty called out from the driver's seat. His eyes met mine in the rear view mirror and I saw him wink. "All you girls doing it? Sev? I may be down for a bit of Marco Polo." Cheeky cheeky this man was.

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