| Chapter Twenty Three + The Aftermath |

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Hello Wife.

I had to repeat his words over and over and over again in my head.

Why did his voice sound so playful and why the hell was there a big smile on his face?

I was still stationed on the floor. As I said before, my whole body had dropped. Every emotion inside me dropped. My head was the only thing not dropping as I was taking in the scene before me. Taking in the people that were in front of me. With my face still showing shock and discomfort, I took in Veer and his now relaxed position. He had moved slightly and completely placed his whole weight on the sofa, leaning back. I also took in Coach Taylor, who looked very fucking red. Her eyes and her face showing red. She looked like she was ready to beat something or someone until that thing also turned red. Bloody red.

I was hoping it was Veer and not me. Me, who was still on the fucking floor.

At some point, I was going to get up. Didn't know when point that would be because I felt safe, safer when I was close to the floors than the two lovebirds up top.  

Those said lovebirds who were in a big pickle right now. Fuck, why did Veer look so fucking ecstatic that he got caught cheating? Maybe Coach Taylor had watched the movie Jennifer's Body too many times because she looked like she was about to put on her very own cheerleading costume and start slashing men. He should not be smiling.

Hell, I didn't even like the lady and knew her wrongs, but I wouldn't even think of showing a tiny smirk during an intense situation like this.

He needed to brush up on a What To Do When You Get Caught Cheating article.

"What the fuck, Veer? Is this the reason why you invited me over?" Coach Taylor was the first one to speak. Well first one to yell. I was lucky that her eyes weren't on me and all the anger was directed at Veer. . .well at least for right now. "I was very spectacle because you never invite me to your place. I should've known. You had wanted me to catch you cheating with this lousy bitch."

And as she said the words lousy bitch her eyes turned to glare at me and I swore I felt the hairs on my skin rise up. God, God, God, why did no one tell me it would feel like this?

Veer laughed. He really laughed at her words. "Don't give me any shit, Angel. You are not a fucking angel. Very far from it actually." He laughed again. Okay, what was wrong with this man? Did he not know how to act accordingly in certain situations? This wasn't even the first time he surprised me in his response. He then declared, "And you have been cheating on me for ever how fucking long. Sevyn, was the one who actually gave me the proof to solidify all my suspenses."

Fuck. Why say my name?

If she was anything like the demon in Jennifer's Body, I may be next on her hit-list as in who to kill. And I couldn't die yet.

Coach Taylor looked over to me and once again, gave me the most disgusted look to ever grace a human's face. "Of course she did. She probably edited it with her desperate ass." Her devilish eyes focused back on Veer. "I never cheated on you and wouldn't even think of doing it. But you do this to me? You played me. You invite me over so I can watch you with your dick in another's girl's mouth? You know how fucking deranged of a person you have to be to even conjure up a sick plan like that. You are fucking deranged, Veer."

Wow. Woah. Hold on. It was hitting me. This whole thing was finally hitting me. As my body was placed on this very floor, next to Veer's feet, I now realize that was how Veer perceived me. At the same level as his feet. As nothing.

He showed up at my date at the right time, said all the right things, got me in his house at the right time, let me suck his dick at the perfect time. He purposely brought me here, not for my benefit, not to show me that he cares and wants to be with me, but for his selfish reason. He purposely brought Coach Taylor here, said at a certain time, for his selfish reason. Conjured up this whole scheme for his selfish reason.

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