| Chapter Thirteen + Steakout or Stakeout? |

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I looked in the mirror about fifty times now. Checking, checking, and checking to see that I looked as good as I felt. And if you were guessing that I was a nervous wreck or pissing in my pants- you would be totally wrong.

Okay, yeah, Veer had asked me to come to his office, but I was a jolly girl because of it. Jollier than an elf who had finally tasted Mrs. Claus' unbaked (and unshaven) cookies. Maybe if I looked extra good, he would finally listen to my Christmas wish and fuck me on every possible surface in his office room.

Because if not going to fuck me or even kiss me. . .what was the point in bringing me back to his office? If he wanted to ask my opinion about the paint colors on his walls or talk to me about some cheer thing, I was going to kiss him so hard- No, uh, I mean slap him so hard.

I pushed myself away from the bathroom mirrors and toward the door, then toward the other door which would lead me to his office. Fuck, why was my skin prickling up? My hands were getting shaky. Why the fuck was I nervous?

His office door opened before I even knocked on it. Someone was coming out. That someone was Coach Taylor. His wife. The wife of the man I kissed not even thirty minutes ago. I mentally punched myself out those stupid feelings from before- looky who it is.

"Where you going, Sevyn?" The nosey ass wife asked, as she shut the door and took a few steps to the left.

I planted an innocent smile on my face. Dummy. "Oh, Coach said that he wanted to speak with me about something. Maybe trying to help me clear my attendance?" Coach Epps was the one who was over the attendance of sports. He would get all the information from the other coaches and was the only one who sent it to the people in the attendance center. Hell, I was a good liar.

"Hm, yeah, good that you are. I sent him the days you missed, but maybe you can get him to erase the negative points before he sends it off." I wanted to laugh in her face: she was really buying this bullshit. "Okay, see you tomorrow. Make sure to practice your routines tonight because I did notice you were behind this morning. Also, stay on top of those classes, bye!"

She said as she turned her body away from me and started walking toward the exit doors, out the locker rooms. "Bye, coach." I replied back while secretly giving her my favorite finger as she walked.  And no, not my pinky.

Once I seen her exit out the building, I knocked on Veer's office doors. And fuuuck, why were those same annoying emotions coming back from before? I hated being nervous. Again I ask, why was I nervous? I been in this office many times before and-

"Come in." I heard.

Oh- that was why I was nervous. His voice. Veer and his fucking amazing, deep, wish-was-suckable voice. I swore to God that I would fuck anything with that compelling ass voice. Shit, if the door had started talking and produced out a sound like that, I would kick one leg over the wood and start humping the motherfucker. First, the door would have had to say yes because duh, fucking consent.

"Sit down."

Dammit, I was lost in my thoughts again. When did I turn the knob? When did I even enter his office? Guess sometime ago because now he was staring at me like I was an idiot who'd didn't know how to take a simple order.

"Of course. Sure." I sat on one of his office chairs and crossed my legs. "Damn, Veer, you couldn't even wait til your wife was long gone before you invite me to your office room?" My smart ass smirk was signaturely placed back on my face- Game time, bitches!

His face was neutral. Or was that some glimmer of light in his eyes? Possibly teasing? His next words did give off a teasing vibe. "Hm, I should of, huh? I just hope the surprise doesn't get ruined. I wouldn't want her to hear."

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