| Chapter Sixteen + The moaning- no, morning after |

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What the fuck happened last night?

Did that really happen? Was it a dream? Had I really fucked Veer? Fucked a married man? Obviously the answer to all those questions and more - Did Veer have a colossal dick? - was yes. Yes, yes, and more yes. I - Sevyn - fucked Veer.

Even though the bed was empty and the bathroom shower was on, I could still smell his addicting scent. I remembered every single inch of that man's body. I remembered how he filled me whole and it felt so good because fuck, his dick was something murderous. Hell, I was probably about to get murdered. It wouldn't surprise me if coach Taylor was waiting outside of this bedroom with a knife in her hand about to Here's Johnny the door.

I mentally pleaded with God to make sure that it was not true. I hoped coach Taylor was too busy engaged in her own cheating life to care about what her husband was doing. I hoped some man was licking the crust between her toes, so she couldn't give anyone shit about shit.

Life doesn't work like that though.

My life didn't work like that.

One thing in my life that I could get to go my way was this man. Veer. When Veer would finally come out that bathroom door, he would see me. . .all gross and disgusting. Shit. I needed to get myself together. Quick.

I had a plan. But I didn't want to leave the bed. Leave his scent. Leave any of it, but he wouldn't kiss me if I had morning breath. I pulled myself out the comfort of his bed and tiptoed, quickly, out his bedroom. It took another twenty steps and I arrived in the other bathroom, down the hall, and spotted my bag. Thank God I had my bag. I got out my scarf and quickly and skillfully wrapped it around my head. Low-key mad at myself for not wrapping it before things all went crazy. I got my deodorant out and put some on. Then I spotted my mints and I was sooo Goddamn gleeful. No one was happier than me when I popped that minty pill in my mouth. Crackheads would look at me crazy.

Lastly, I applied lipgloss.

What? You can't be seductive with chapped lips.

I zipped back up my bag once I was done and quietly, but quickly, made my way back to his bedroom. I poked my head in first to see if he was inside - close was clear! -, but the water wasn't on anymore, so that meant his shower was done and I needed to be very quiet. I wanted him to think I woke up like this. Once again, I tiptoed to the bed and slipped back in.

Then I rethought it. Maybe if I leave one leg out the comforter it would be more seductive? Does one leg scream Come fuck me! Fuck me hard until your dick falls off!

Too much? Maybe I should- wait, was that knocking?

"Sevyn, I'm in here." I heard Veer shout from behind the bathroom door.

I didn't reply back to tell him that it was not me knocking. Mostly because I was frozen on the bed, trying to rank my mind and wonder who that could be at the front door. One word came to mind: wife. Oh shit. The knocking continued.

"Sevyn, stop knocking on the door. I'll come out in a sec."

My lips unfroze. "I'm not knocking. Its your front door!"

Then the door finally opened and Veer said-

Wait, before I talk about what he said. . .can I take a minute to take in this man in the morning? Can I take a minute to describe how good he looks in a plain black shirt? He's looks so dreamy. I could definitely get used to mornings like this. . .if his wife (or karma) doesn't kill me first.

Sorry, let's resume. Veer said, "Fuck, what day is it?"

"Saturday, the 19th."

"Fuck." He ran a hand down his face in distraught. "My sister is here."

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