| Chapter Six + Theres Waldo |

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"So Sev, how did your Friday go?"

How did my Friday go? Should I answer her question with a fucking amazing because I finally got a chance to suck my crush's dick? Or should I answer her question with a terrible, because even though I got a chance to suck his dick, he just shoved away from me with a lame goodnight? I'll avoid from him completely and just say it was good because my school won their game.

And the person who asked that question was Mariah. My cousin who was visiting for the weekend. She had came in early this morning. I picked her up from the airpot, drove her down and we stayed in my dorm room until ten then decided to go get breakfast. Since I had my cousin with me, we couldn't be dinning at some cafeteria for her stay. I drove us to a cute breakfast place and that's where we stayed. Asking questions and whatnot.

"It was cool. My school won and I feel like our cheers came together good." I put my fork down and wrapped my hand around my cup, taking a sip of cranberry juice. "It would've been a perfect day if my coach hadn't been yelling at us an hour before, but still it was fine."

"Damn, she still a bitch?" I nodded my head. "Was auntie there too?" I nodded my head again. Fed up with my nodding, my favorite cousin said, "Stop with the damn nodding."

"Gahdamn, sorry." I dropped my cup back on the table. "Anyways, what's been happening with you?"

"Nothing new, sad to say, I love talking about myself. But school is fine. Family still boring, but fine. Oh, I got a fuckbuddy, but he's not important." Did Veer count as a fuckbuddy? Actually, let me not test that. I didn't need to tell anyone, eventhough my mouth was itching to let these words out. And of course, I had to be tested because her next words were, "Wait- what happened to that teacher you were telling me about? Or was it a coach? You told me like two years ago about him? I only remember because your eyes were big as fuck and full of love, you were scaring the shit out of me. You looked obsessed."

"Why is everyone say that? And no, nothing is going on with us or him." Well. . .he may have gotten married and well. . .I may have sucked his dick.

"Damn, I'm surprised. I was so sure that your crazy ass was going to be planning something or at least trying once to get into his pants or his hand in marriage." She took a sip of her smoothie then looked back toward me, her eyebrows scrunching. "You sure? Why do you have that look on your face?"

What look did I have? Was it really showin- "I sucked his dick."

"I-um-I'm sorry, can I get you guys anything else?" The waitress stuttered as I looked to my left and spotted her. Shit, I needed to look around first before blurting out things like that. "Refill, ma'am?" She was looking at my drink, not me.

Guess I had been very thirsty. I looked down at my drink and yes, it did require a refill. I nodded my head and said, "Sorry, um yes, thank you." The waitress grabbed it and as she took a few steps to the direction of the kitchen, Mariah didn't care/or worry about an audience because she then re-zoomed right back into the conversation,

"Wait- rewind, who's dick? That teacher? Coach?"

Making sure the waitress was not even close to us, I answered, "He's the football coach and yes, I sucked his dick. I offered, he accepted."

"Why do you look like that then? You should be jumping for joy."

"Well. . .he's married."

Now she looked crazy: her eyes wide, her mouth open, her eyebrows twisted. "What? When? Did you know he was married when you told me all that shit you wanted to do to him?"

She thought what she said two years ago was bad? She sure was lucky she couldn't hear my thoughts now. "Um no, I didn't. I found out he was married that incoming school year. I didn't even know the man had gotten engaged or had a girlfriend."

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