| Chapter Thirty + The date |

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song: Woosah by Jeremih (slowed)

The scoreboard was making me itch.

I hated itching. I didn't like this feeling. I didn't like what was showing on the scoreboard. Another tied game? Really, God? I didn't want another sad Veer. It crushed my heart to see Veer sad.

Please win. Please score. Please make that touchdown before I steal every single person's wallet that was on this field.

My eyes zoom into Veer on the field. Pacing back and forth, forth and back. I could only see his back from this angle, but I knew that his face was set straight and his eyes were dark. From just his body language alone, I could tell he had tension. Fuck, I really wanted my school to win.

I guess my genie liked my kiss because my wish was granted and I saw our school number change. We were now in the lead and with only twenty seconds left. I doubt that the other team could catch up. Me and others around me stood up in our seats and watched, excitedly, as the countdown occurred. Three, Two, One. And we won. Yes! Victory was rightfully once again ours.

All I wanted to do was give Veer a big fat kiss. I wanted to see the excitement in his eyes. The accomplishment in his eyes. I watched, proudly, as my school's players on the field all started chanting and shouting out our school's name. Veer ran onto the field and joined them in their excitement. So cute. Someone dropped a bucket of water on everyone in the circle and I laughed as I watched Veer get drenched.

I didn't want to interrupt the moment. And I was slightly shivering in my clothes, so me and other teammates of mine ventured back to the locker rooms and changed into our regular clothes. Our cheer outfits were super cute, but weren't built for cold weather. The wind had been a bitch tonight.

I looked in the mirror for the last time before leaving; hair cute, lipgloss applied, sweats fit. And I was ready to go back out there and see my man.

Woah- my man? Was it too soon?

My heart didn't think so. But my heart didn't know the meaning of the words: slow down.

I didn't have to look far for Veer. I exited the locker rooms and standing to my left was Veer. He was leaning against the wall with a wet towel in his hands. I noticed that his clothes were slightly wet, but his face was dry. His head turned at the noise of doors opening and he came to my side. More like quickly came to my side. Was this man running to see me? Running to stand close to me? Waiting for me?

I liked that. I liked that a lot.

"Where were you? I looked for you on the bleachers." He asked when he approached.

I gestured behind me, at the place I just came out from. "The locker room. I wanted to change out of my clothes. It was getting cold."

He came even closer and traveled his warm hand up my throat and landed it on my chin- then we heard the doors swing open and he leaped all the way back that I had just told him I had a deadly virus.

We both nodded at a teammate of mine, Casey, as she was coming out of the locker room. He then took a hold of my arm and pulled me in the direction he wanted me to go in. We arrived many feet away from the locker room doors and behind a building. He pushed my body up against the wall and my back met bricks.


I didn't know what to think about this. He wanted to be with me but didn't want us to be together in public. I mean, I guess it needed to take time. A few months ago, he was married and his wife was my coach. I got it. It would be a lot for everyone right now. I got it.

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