Chapter 21

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Dakota stares into Yuki's blue eyes.

Her arms were covering her naked body and she had turned her face away— He couldn't see her expression.

Dakota's face was a mix of shock— "Yu-Yuki?" He q jstutters, he wasn't even fully understanding what he just saw.

There couldn't possibly be any way Yuki just transformed from a wolf— there was no possible way she was even here!

He tries to move from Freya's grip to make sure he wasn't hallucinating but she tightens her hold. After a moment Yuki finally looks at him.. her eyes were the same kind, blue eyes from when they first met.

Her expression though was unreadable—

"D-Dakota.. hey." She smiles, but it wasn't her normal happy one.. it was a sad, dry one.

"I-I'm sorry you had to see that— Y-you weren't— supposed to know." She says, casting her eyes down once more.

Dakota's thoughts suddenly were going a mile a minute.

He then recalls something Freya had said to him.

"The majority of your race is ignorant to the existence of other creatures. Some are good at hiding themselves, and many live with humans."

He stares at her, unable to think straight... was this Yoko all over again? Fear grips his heart, and he clings to Freya, relying on her to not start crying if it was true. Was he being deceived by someone he believed he could rely on— again? Was it all a ruse to keep her from being figured out? Did she only need a human shield?

Was he going to lose his first friend?

He instinctually doesn't show any emotion on his face as he asks, "Was any of it— even real?" He asks, his voice barely audible.

Yuki's head snaps up and she takes a step forward, earning a growl from Freya.

"Yes!" She exclaims. She nods her head, "It was real! I wasn't tricking you, Dakota! I wanted to be your friend!"

Maybe it was because he was naive when it came to trusting someone, but Dakota felt a big sense of relief.

"S-so, you weren't— using me? To protect— that you're a we-werewolf?"

Yuki shakes her head, "No Dakota, I swear."

"It's complicated." She shrugs with a sad smile.

Dakota nods slowly, feeling her fear and sadness about the topic.

Even with all of this Dakota still wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. He could tell she wasn't lying— he desperately didn't want to lose the only friend he'd ever had.

Dakota shook his head in confusion. "B-but why are you here?"

"I came to find you.." She finally looks at Freya and her eyes narrow in slight anger. "Now I see why you never came home— this monster kidnapped you." She growls, and Freya growls back... hers of course dominating the air compared to Yuki.

"Watch your tongue mutt, I could kill you with the flick of my wrist." Freya threatens, her fire shining brighter.

Dakota lets out a shaky breath. "F-Freya please.. no threatening." He then pushes on her arms, "A-and—could you let me go?" He mutters this time, hoping Yuki didn't hear. He didn't want Yuki to know about their— unique relationship.

So far she hadn't taken her eyes off Yuki, but now she does and looks down at him.

"Yuki is—a friend, and even though she is a werewolf, I know she would never hurt me." He wasn't sure whether she understood what a friend was, but he hoped she did.

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