Chapter 22 (M)

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Freya walks down an empty hallway. On each side, there are doors that lead wherever Freya wished.

The bubble surrounding Yuki floated behind her.

Dakota was already tucked in their bed, and now she had to sort out the wolf's living arrangements. She had been yelling the entire time they'd been walking— so Freya had no choice but to enclose the bubble in silence.

Burning the mutt was really, really on her mind—but she did not want her mate to be sad or angry.

She stops in front of a door, opens it, and walks in.

Compared to their bedroom, it was a smaller room. Several windows were in the room, and on the side was a bed. Nothing else was in the room. She sees the wolf pounding on the bubble as it floats to the middle of the room. Her mouth was moving quite a bit.

The bubble popped when Freya snapped her fingers.

When the wolf falls to the ground, she falls flat on her face. "Fuck." She groans. She gets up rubbing her head and looks around.

"—Where am I?"

She looks to Freya— "What did you do to Dako-"

"Do not speak his name." She commands, her eyes darkening.

The werewolf stopped and stepped back in fear.

"I have agreed to let you stay in this castle for as long as my mate desires—but I am only doing this for him. Whatever he wants—he shall have."

The wolf folds her arms and looks away, "What you should do is let him go—he has a family, worried sick about him."

Freya's flames come out and she growls, and the mutt takes another step back. Freya chooses to ignore the mutt's words. She despised being disrespected.

"My mate wants you alive. I do not understand why." She walks closer and circles her.

"I know what your revolting kind have done— to my brothers."

Her eyes widen, and her expression changes.

"I—understand—but I'm not like them." She averts her gaze and massages her arm. "It makes me despise being a werewolf since I'm linked to the monsters that ruthlessly slaughtered those dragon's mates." She speaks with a tone of shame in her voice.

Freya was taken aback by the information. This wolf was telling the truth—her mate could be correct about her— that didn't mean she was going to trust the werewolf.

"It appears that you are not as pathetic as I thought you were."

Freya stops and flicks her wrist. She summons a pair of clothes onto the bed... she guessed the wolf wouldn't want to be naked. The wolf looks back and forth between her and the clothes— "Thanks, I guess you're not so cruel after all." She says.

Freya shook her head. "I've wanted and still want to kill you since I sensed you entering my forest."

The werewolf shivers involuntarily. "W-when can I see D- I mean your mate."

So the wolf wasn't stupid.

Freya responds, "Tomorrow afternoon— but."

"There will be rules.."

She folds her arms, "What, what rules?"

"You will not look Dakota in the eye, your eyes arent worthy to see him. You will not touch him.. break any of these rules and I will not care what my mate wants. I have all of eternity for him to forgive me— so I will burn you— on the spot." She says passively.

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