Chapter 1: The Meeting

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        I sat distracted, sipping my coffee as she talked. Diana could ramble on for hours if not stopped, which was perfect since I wasn't listening enough to actually respond to her conversation. It was as if the more she talked, the less I knew about her. This was our second date after the day we'd woken up on my bedroom floor hungover and smelling like the night before. The whole point of today's date was for us to get to know each other. I'd been the one with the idea for us to see each other again after that night and after our first date went pretty well I didn't expect the second to be so bad. To be fair, our first date was the morning after when we got breakfast and she was so nervous and embarassed she wasn't talking much so I didn't mind her company. She's a lot better to look at when her mouth's not running a thousand miles per hour.

        "Your class will be starting soon," I slipped in between a sip of her drink. "Shall we start walking?"

        She smiled and nodded, probably getting that I hadn't heard the latest thing she said which probably had something to do with her friends back in Doncaster. From what I actually heard from her on our first date was she came here to attend Mid Cheshire College after a breakup. She didn't tell me too much about it but when the first thing she told me when we woke up that morning  was "I've never had a one-night stand," I only assumed it was a very long relationship.

        Its not a big campus so we arrived at her class fairly quickly. I saw her classmates by the door and they eyed me with suppressed joy. It was Tuesday and I hadn't seen them since Friday night when they let Diana leave the club piss drunk with me so I'm sure they're happy to see I'm still by her side. Diana turned to give me a quick kiss before walking over to her giggling friends to tell them about our weekend.

        I didn't have to go back to work until the following day so I decided to stay in the area just in case Diana needed a ride to her dorm after class. I drove back to the outdoor cafe and brought out my notebook and pen.

        I used to write a lot of songs and poems when I was still in high school but my inspiration had run dry since then. You look forward to a lot more things when you're younger, its hard to find something you're truly passionate about as an adult. I often would head to the local park on Friday nights to watch lovers and try to catch a glimpse of what happiness looked like. I wouldn't consider myself as "unhappy" more "unsatisfied". I grew up with the belief that you find someone who you're crazy about, marry them, and start a family. Through all my experiences in that department I've determined its all an illusion. You find someone like Diana, you get married, and live a simple life. Even my single nights with the same sex had failed to give the rush I imagine love feels like. That, however, could be due to the amount of alcohol running through my veins during the hookups with men. Either way, it's only sex. That's all it will ever be.

        This week's song, an upbeat melody with no lyrics. I absolutely despise writer's block. It seems as if I can't find any mixture of words that would fit into this tune. I closed my notebook and called it a day. I can't stay here all afternoon humming the same 8 notes over and over like a madman.

        My phone chirped in my pocket and I was glad to see it was Diana.

        Listen, I promise this isn't anything to freak out about but my ex boyfriend says he's here, in Cheshire. He asked me to meet with him to talk about something.

        I raised an eyebrow. Did he say what about?

        There was a delay then her response. Probably something stupid. I'm going with him to the cafe after my class is over and I'll call you as soon as I can?

        Had this been anyone else, I would've just told her to take her phone and shove it, I'm not much into sharing. Diana was different, she was hard to say "no" to. I felt I could trust her. With a sigh I replied Okay, but as soon as possible.

        I leaned back in my chair and ran my hand through my hair. I was frustrated, but not for the reason I wanted to be. This type of jealousy would be great emotions to express through a song. This should inspire a great song..but it doesn't. I need to feel something.

        I continued on my phone, obviously bothering the waitress with a cup of water every couple of minutes but I was just passing the time until 5pm, when Diana's class ends. I knew they were coming here and I had parked my car just far enough to see the front of the cafe. Perhaps seeing Diana with another man would trigger some sort of anger out of me that I could turn into a hit. I decided to leave a generous tip, even though the waitress had equally gotten on my nerves with her attitude, and headed back to my car.

        I sat in the passanger's side for fear of putting my notebook on the horn and making noise. Once I was seated comfortably I chuckled at the thought that I'm stalking my potential girlfriend and her ex boyfriend on my day off. Its a Tuesday, what better do I have to do?

        5:18. This is ridiculous. I could be at home, cleaning, cooking, watching anything but the time tick by as I wait. The music on my phone played softly but every song that ended made me more anxious. I should just go. I shouldn't be invading her privacy like this. She said she'd call me as soon as he was gone. Does that mean she won't tell him about me? Not that there's anything to say. I'm just a good shag that decided to get to know her, right? Its been three days since we met, of course she won't mention me, why would-

        A cab pulled in front of the cafe, interrupting my train of thought. I saw Diana exit the side closest to the sidewalk, her mouth forming a "thank you" to the driver. From the opposite side I saw a small figure make his way out of the car and pay the taxi driver. He was facing the other way so I didn't get a good look at anything but his behind and should I say, a very impressive one at that. He walked toward Diana and she turned around, walking to the table where she and I usually sit. I was just beginning to feel offended that she brought him to our table when I saw he sat on the chair where I could see him.

        His hair fell over his forehead in layers, waving out slightly near his ears. His jawline was shaded in stubble, highlighting high cheek bones and a tight pair of lips. His most outstanding feature was between his temples. His blue eyes rested under arched eyebrows and long, perfect lashes. I found myself staring with my mouth a bit open, feeling foolish when I realized how I looked.

        Diana had really good taste in her men. Not flattering myself, I'm not exactly a hot stud with my 80s punk band long curly hair and half unbuttoned shirts, topping it off with a pair of brown boots I've had for years. I suppose the arm full of tattoos can be attractive to some ladies but I can hardly explain most of them as I got them years ago and forgot what they meant to me once.

        Snapping out of my initial infatuation with this mystery man, I tried paying attention to what they were talking about. I was clearly too far to hear anything but I was sure if I focused I could read their lips or have any sort of idea of what the meeting was about. I could see Diana had her arms folded and was leaning back in her chair. I couldn't see her face but I could assume she wasn't smiling. Her slumped shoulders gave the impression that she wasn't liking whatever the guy was saying. The small man was waving his arms in a square motion and looking visibly irritated. The blue in his eyes only seemed to shine stronger as his eyebrows furrowed in anger. I bit my lip to stifle a groan. He's really good looking.

        My admiration was cut short by the sight of him slamming his fist on the table in front of him, making Diana jump in front of him. She looked at the people around her, noticing the stares, and looked down, embarassed. Okay, what's this beautiful man's problem?

        Without thinking I stumbled out of my car and crossed the street. I must've looked out of the ordinary because once he saw me, the guy kept his gaze on me walking close to him and Diana. As I approached hearing distance he directed a questionable "Hi," to me. the same time Diana was turning from her chair to look at me, bringing her feet out from under the table. Walking as fast as my feet could take me I didn't think fast enough to stop before tripping on her feet yelping "Oops!" as I fell, knocking the coffee table down with me.

        "Harry, oh my god!"

        This can't be happening.


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