Chapter 10: I'll Be Back

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        I sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to stir in case I woke Louis up. My head rested in my hands and I sighed. I couldn't put into words how amazing the night before had been. Every touch, smile, and kiss was flawless. Before I fell asleep I truly believed my feelings for Louis were being reciprocated.

        I woke up the next morning with a sick feeling of dread. Without Louis' distracting hands and hypnotizing eyes, I could think clearly about everything that had happened in the past few days.

        The mere thought of finding someone that made me feel the way Louis did was unfathomable to me. I couldn't begin to imagine the butterflies that would burst from every part of me as my skin would meet his fingertips. Pain stung in my chest as I remembered our talk right before we lost our self-restraint. He was insistent on the fact that he and I would never be. My breath caught in my throat. Louis can't be like every other guy.

        Everyone else I'd ever been with had gotten what they wanted and left. I never had a constant star in my life, until I met Diana.

        Diana, as I came to see, wasn't as great as I thought she was. Even if she had been, after meeting Louis I had no interest in returning to Diana. I'm not the kind to continue to lead someone on when my heart isn't in it, which is why I was so used to sleeping around.

        I lifted my head from my hands. Diana's first words to me after the night we had spent together echoed in my head and puzzled me. I've never had a one night stand.

        I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms. I'll ask Louis later. I stood from the bed and slowly walked downstairs to put on some comfortable clothes to cook breakfast.

        One batch of eggs Benedict and french toast later, I decided it was time to wake up Louis. I stalled as much as I could before walking up the stairs. I held my breath as I opened his room door, preparing myself for every type of reaction I expected to get from him. "Lou?"

        I looked at his bed, sheets rolled back on both sides and most importantly, vacant. I walked over to the bed and tidied it up as much as I could. I looked around and picked up our strewn clothes from the floor, stacking them neatly at the end of the bed. Now, where the hell is he?

        I stepped out of Louis' room and turned to look at the bathroom door, closed with the light shining through the crack at the bottom. I approached the door and heard Louis' voice, probably speaking to someone on the phone. I reached out to touch the doorknob but felt it was an invasion of privacy and I didn't even know where Louis and I stood at the moment. Instead, not quite a better idea, I put my ear to the door, listening to his conversation.

        "...Yes, I understand that but I was promised-okay. I see, I-" he was stopped, the voice on the other line speaking over him. "I don't think I can wait for tonight, is there any other pickup I can use?" He listened. I pulled myself back and slowly made my way back downstairs.

        My heart sank lower in sync with every step I took down the stairs. He can't wait to get rid of me. I sat on the couch and picked up my lyric book from my sack on the floor.

        " 'I know in my heart,' " I whispered out loud as I wrote, pushing back the tears in my eyes, " 'you're not a constant star.' " I bit my lips closed to keep them from shivering and looked at the ceiling, steadying my breath by counting the seconds it took me to inhale and exhale. I closed my lyric book and held it against my chest, hoping I'd heard wrong and that Louis would come down and have breakfast while looking at me with that look I came to love.

        I heard a door open upstairs and I stood up quickly, pulling myself together before Louis came downstairs. I dropped my lyric book and skipped to the kitchen, wiping my mouth to rid myself of the frown I had and plastered on a fake smile.

        Louis' light steps came tapping down the stairs but stopped when he reached the bottom. I could almost see him hesitating to come any further but soon enough I heard him drag his feet into my sight at the kitchen entrance.

        He looked very wary, hands in the pockets of his pajama bottoms and a torn muscle shirt hugged his chest and stomach. His hair was messy and it looked like he had just run his hands through it to scratch his scalp. His eyes met mine then abruptly looked down at the floor, taking a seat at the kitchen island without saying a word.

        I swallowed hard. "Hey," I began, walking toward him, seeing his attention drift back to me. "How did you sleep?"

        I was less than two feet away and continued to walk slowly. His eyebrows furrowed and I stopped, arm distance away. He kept his eyes on me and frowned sadly. He looked like he was trying to put his words together and I could tell I wasn't gonna like it. "Get your stuff ready."


        Louis looked down at his hands. "Pack your sack, take the playstation if you want. You're right, I'll get my own."

        "Wait, Lou, can't we talk about this?"

        "I'm taking you home today. I'll take the T.V. when I have a chance and I'll have someone else help me."

        "Babe, if this is about last night-"

        "You're damn right this is about last night!" Louis snapped, turning back to me angrily. I bit my tongue and waited for him to continue. He glanced at the clock then back to me. "I'll drive you around noon. I'm taking the photo shop keys then I'll be back." He stood up and walked back upstairs.

        I turned to face the stove, afraid that when he came back downstairs he'd and see my broken down state. I had two hot plates on the stove for when Louis came down for breakfast and decided to turn them off, seeing no need to keep them hot if neither was going to eat. My hungry rumbling stomach had flipped and left me with a nauseous feeling.

        I once again heard footsteps walking down the steps and stopping at the bottom. I didn't dare look through the kitchen door to the stairs, knowing I'd probably beg him to stay and try to talk about why he was abandoning me so quickly. I didn't even get a "good morning" before he kicked me out of his house. Happy memories of the day before tormented my heart and hammered my hope to a pulp.

        The clock in the kitchen chirped, signaling it was 10 a.m. I heard Louis sigh and with the slamming of the front door, I was alone.

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