Chapter 12: That Line

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I fumbled with the car radio, switching between stations before shutting it off completely. The car didn't even have a decent auxiliary cord for me to play music of my own. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, reaching toward my phone after. Once at a stoplight, I scrolled down to Ashton's number.

I took the light turning green before I pressed the button as a sign for me not to call, leaving anything I wanted to tell him now for the day when I arrived home. I placed the phone between my thighs and resumed driving, shifting in the seat as it was too far forward for my comfort. The way Ashton had mentioned having a serious talk with me made my anxiety even higher than before Louis arrived drunk at noon to drive me home. After he passed out I took the liberty of taking his car keys and getting some fresh air for myself, heading out to a Karaoke bar I saw on the main street the day before.

 I can't have you

 That's where you need to be

 I can't hurt her again

I shut off the ignition upon arrival and sat in Louis' car for a bit. I found myself once again looking through his belongings, opening the glove compartment and looking in between the seats. After finding nothing but empty cigarette boxes and burned CD's, I got out and walked to the bar.

It didn't take me long to begin with the drinks, befriending the cheeky bartender who kept pulling her shirt down every time I asked for another shot. I saw many take the small stage and fail miserably, laughing and stumbling off to have more drinks. A few surprised the crowd, singing along to a famous song everyone knew the lyrics to so the whole bar was singing along with them and made the embarrassment lessen. A blonde boy was quite possibly the best I saw go up and take a swing, riling up my competitive side and walking to the stage to try and get a louder cheer from the crowd.

I hazily walked to the man controlling the songs and mic, hyping up the people in the bar by asking who was next. "I'd like to sing."

He laughed. "Boy, you should sober up a bit first. Maybe your words won't be so slurred."

I frowned. "Is that right? You're talking to the best singer in this whole place!"

The bar hushed behind me and I was loving it. I'd made a scene and now he had to let me up if he didn't want to look like an asshole.

"How can I say no to such confidence?" He smiled. He addressed the people in their chairs, taken back by a drunken moron who claimed to have the voice of an angel. "Who's ready to be blown away by Mick Jagger here?"

I laughed proudly and climbed to the middle of the stage, tapping the microphone to test it. After a few loud thumps and a squeal of the speakers, I thumbed up the man signaling I was ready.

"What are you singing?" He asked me, covering the microphone to make my introduction after.

"Something I wrote myself, it's called 'Lou's Cold'."


" 'Lou's Cold'!"

"Do you have the track with you?"

I thought for a second. "Just put any Taylor Swift music behind it and let me sing the lyrics."

"Okay, and your name?"

"Harry St-"

"Alright, everyone," He turned back to the crowd, microphone in hand and headphones by his neck. "Here we have Harry singing 'Fool's Gold'!"

The crowd cheered, making my palms sweat and stomach turn from nervousness. "No, its 'Lou's Cold'!" I tried saying into the microphone but the cheering of the crowd drowned my pleas. Screw it, I thought. Fool's Gold it is.

The tune to a bad breakup song by TS began and the intoxicated cheers rang in my ears. I opened my mouth to speak then stopped. Shit, how does it go? 

"You're like the crow on my wire,

I'm in the shine in your eyes that makes me- shit wait."

The music continued, people in the front looked at each other nervously. Well, I guess it can't get any worse.

"Like the boat on the water,

You're the rise in my pants that calms my mind."

I could hear snickers from the drunks in the back. I laughed along with them as I raised my voice higher for the chorus.

"But I know in my heart-" I stopped, sudden pain stinging my chest and the feeling of my eyes glazing over. I clutched the microphone stand as my voice gave away with the second line. "You're not a constant star."

The laughs became louder, no longer laughing with me but at me. That line. That fucking line. My lower lip trembled. No, he can't be the reason I can't sing, he can't take that away from me too. I tried silencing their laughs by singing louder, but the louder I sang, the louder they laughed. "Yes, I let you use me from the first day I met you but you're not done with me yet. I'm falling for you. Lou's Cold." The heat in my head ran down my spine and through my hands, finding its way back to my mouth making me pant. The din of everyone's cackles mixed with my own screaming voice caused me to stop and push the microphone stand right off the stage in fury. The screech of the microphone hitting the floor below silenced everyone and their eyes turned back to me. I cracked my knuckles, "All the fucking love."

I sat in the same seat I was in before, having double what I had earlier only this time, the bartender's shirt was up to her neck. Despite doing a number on the people in the bar with my performance, I didn't plan on leaving any time soon. Being here out of my mind and singing like a tone-deaf marine animal made me happy. I knew when I was sober I'd have more control over my voice and I'd care about what everyone thought of my voice but my pride stood no chance while I was tipsy.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the person who was sitting next to me stand up to leave, putting the blonde boy from earlier into view just a seat away. He had his own handful of drinks and raised his glass when he saw me. I smiled weakly and raised my own, bringing it to my lips to finish it off.

He scooted to the seat next to me and waved over the bartender. "I'll buy this guy another, but by the looks of it I think it'll be his last!" he laughed through his thick Irish accent. "I'd never seen you before, what brings you here to Donny?"

"I'm not from around here," I murmured. "I've been staying with a friend."

The bartender arrived with my drink, winking at the boy next to me. He winked back then turned to me. "I see, Harry, is it?" I nodded, gulping half my drink in one swig. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Niall."

Author's Note: Hey, guys! Who else is excited to see Niall? I know I was. Yes, I know that's not how the "Fool's Gold" lyrics go but I tried making them funny since he's drunk. I'm so excited Lou's Gold has come so far, we're already on chapter 12 and though chapter 13 is more of a filler, 14 is where all the feels stab you and oops, I've said too much. Looks like you'll just have to stick around to see more! I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to read LG. I'm so thankful to see Lou's Gold do so well, in my eyes at least, I'm so proud of how it's coming along and I can't wait to keep updating! I'll see you guys next time so vote, comment, follow, but most importantly, ENJOY :D -pea

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