Chapter 20: I Suppose I Can

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I balanced a stack of papers as well as my sack between my hands, trailing behind Niall who insisted we walk to the main street rather than take is car. "Saves gas."

Not that he lived far from the main street at all, two blocks was all we had to walk before I could see the karaoke bar across the street. The problem was, I had all the flyers we were supposed to hang up and give away while he walked down the street greeting people with only a smile and a handshake.

We'd gotten up late that morning due to staying up very late the night before waiting for Liam to get home so Niall could introduce us - though we didn't wait long enough. We gave up around 4 a.m., surrendering to sleep mid-conversation. At around 5, however, Niall claims he heard a car pull up but I was too deep in sleep to be woken up to meet him. The following morning we had no luck catching him either, he got up before we did and departed before we even knew he was there.

I was thankful, I'll admit, that I didn't meet him. He would've recognized me and perhaps start asking questions - questions I didn't know the answer to since Louis and I hadn't come to an agreement as to what we would tell any mutual friends regarding our "hook up".

Mr. and Mrs. Payne I did get to meet; they were the sweetest pair I'd ever encountered. They invited me into their home, fed me, showed me how to use the shower, and talked about how proud they were of their son Liam who tutors a college girl until late hours of the night because he cares about her education. I had to hold back a laugh when they said that and Niall confirmed my thoughts about what really happens in these tutoring sessions later on as we waited for him.

I noticed Niall looks up to Geoff, seeing him as a father figure since he hardly sees his own father. He's easily influenced by anything Geoff says and he'll always ask permission, even if he's been told he doesn't need to. Niall is closer to Liam's father than his own, he told me he's only got one picture of him with his own dad.

Niall took a few flyers from me as he stepped inside the karaoke bar, the sound of glasses clinking together and drunken banter resonated through the bar, circling every table and coming back to me and Niall, looking around to find the ones who look like they could be international popstars.

While Niall approached a darker looking lad with his girlfriend, I made my way up to a group of girls, holding my attention to one in particular. The song that had been playing was a popular one for girls to play at a night out; this girl was very much enjoying the song, singing loudly and shoving her friends with her shoulders and arms to dance with her. They were crowded around her, probably creating a barrier in case some asshole tried to take advantage of the fact that she's so drunk she left her phone on the seat next to her, ignoring every call a person by the name of "Baby <3" tried to initiate.

I planned to be that kind of asshole.

"Hi, I'm Harry," I began, speaking to the friend who seemed to be the most sober out of the group, a tall, short-haired, long dress wearing brunette with big brown eyes. Little makeup shaded her eyes and cheeks, signaling she wasn't here to impress anyone. "May I talk to your friend?"

The girl on the chair behind her clutched her friend by the shoulders, reciting a story from when they were in school, making the other girl's cheeks redden madly. I turned back to the big-eyed girl, awaiting her response. "Maybe another time, she's not herself right now."

"I need her to be exactly what she's being right now," I cooed, pulling apart one flyer from the rest to show her. "I'm looking for someone who can sing, perform, and hopefully, play the drums."

She held the paper in her hands and switched her eyes between the sheet and me. "Do you play the guitar?"

Sure. "I sure do."

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