Chapter 40 (Part 1): Two of Us

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We took turns as we drove, switching off every time we arrived at a new fast food place along the way. Using the excuse of "stretching our legs", we managed to dine in at almost every restaurant we saw advertised. Not purposely, either. I guess subconsciously we were all stalling to arrive at the Deakin's because we didn't know what to expect there.

A three-hour drive turned into four, and though Niall and I tried steering away from the conversation, Louis couldn't stop beaming about his family. He described every member to the point where he didn't even have to use their name in a story. He would just hint at the personality and we'd guess right away who it was.

Eventually, the time came where we pulled off the highway and into the neighborhood streets. Our loud, talkative Louis became quiet and reserved, almost shrinking the closer we got to the house.

He sighed loudly from the passenger's seat before removing his seat belt. I, from the driver's seat, smiled supportively before doing the same. Niall was already stepping out of the car and stretching his arms and legs, as if we hadn't stopped every twenty minutes to do just that.

We had left shortly after 9 a.m. from Louis' after 4 failed attempts by Niall to wake us up at 8. The sun was at its brightest directly above us. It really was a beautiful day apart from the circumstances.

I didn't have any expectations walking in, but I guess you can always be surprised by the unexpected.

To describe the feeling walking into the house, I could only use the words "Festival of Tears". Music sang through the speakers, candles and flashing DJ lights danced with the family members in the center of the room. Whoever wasn't dancing sat near the photo shrine telling stories about the late Johannah. It wasn't a gathering of mourning, but a celebration of life.

The first to welcome us was Louis' stepdad, Dan. I tried giving them privacy, but watching Louis find comfort in his stepdad did something to my heart. His siblings slowly joined the hug, one by one until they were just a tumbleweed of sniffles.

With Louis' arrival, the family decided it was time for speeches. The incredible lot of us joined together on the couch, floor, scattered chairs and took turns sharing their favorite moments with Johannah. I sat cross-legged on the floor between Louis and Niall during the majority of the shares until it was Louis' turn.

The truth is, words can't describe how beautiful and heart swelling his speech was. I didn't know Johannah personally so I couldn't genuinely laugh when his family did at one of Louis' stories. I could only feel the love around me that surrounded such an amazing woman.

"My mother lived her life as if every day were her last, reminding every one of us how loved we were and how her only regret was to leave us all so young." He looked at his siblings, "I wish she could see what wonderful adults we're all going to turn out to be becase of her in our lives." His attention turned back to the rest of the family, looking everyone in the eye as he spoke. "I have somewhat of an announcement to make." His gaze fell upon Niall and me. "My bandmates and I had signed up for a competition in the United States this summer."

Murmurs of congrats followed that last comment. Am I the only one who caught "had"?

"Due to recent events, I'm taking it upon myself as the oldest brother to stay with Dan and help out with everyone."

Niall clasped my arm before whispering, "What does he mean by 'stay'?"

Before I could answer, Louis continued. "I'm currently not working due to weather in Doncaster, my house is paid for, and I've really got nothing else going on there, so we can arrange for me to stay and help out."

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