Chapter 6: No Control

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"We work pretty fast," Louis noted, plopping down on the couch in front of the T.V. and kicking off his shoes. "We covered everything we needed to see and its still early."

I took off my jacket and placed it on a hook next to the door. "Yeah, we had a most productive day." I walked over to the couch and sat on the armrest nearest to him. "Care to look at the shots with me?" I held the camera in front of him and he took it, looking through the first few then handing it back to me. "What?"

He took his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text. I continued to question his actions but he silenced me and told me to wait for the response. We heard the phone chime and he read the message out loud. " 'I suppose. I'll meet you there in 10.' Yes!" He stood up and grabbed the camera from my hands, skipping back to the door. "Well, you heard the man. Lets go!"

"Tell me what's going on!" I laughed, following him out the door. "We just got back, I thought you said we saw everything."

"We did," He jumped in the car and turned it on. "Now we need to develop your pictures."

He explained as we drove how his friend's family owned a dark room for photograph development. He said they were closed at the moment but his friend would let us in. "Is that illegal?"

"Hmm, not technically."

I felt excitement build up in my chest. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Louis and I would be in a building after business hours alone in the dark and it might be considered trespassing. All of it seemed unreal and it made me utterly nervous. I could see how excited Louis was getting and it almost made me suspect that he had planned this all along. He kept looking over at me and continuously asking if I brought the camera and the memory card, "Just to make sure."

We pulled into the empty parking lot and saw another car with a man waiting in front of it. The man was around our age and was well built. He had brown hair and eyes with perfectly maintained facial hair. It was starting to get dark and I had forgotten my jacket. I looked in the back seat of Louis' car and saw the hoodie he wore when he arrived at my house a few days ago for the meeting. I put it over my head as he parked.

"Payno!" Louis called, walking over and greeting his friend with a hug.

"Shut up, we're not supposed to be here, remember!" His friend laughed and turned to me. "Hi."

I waved mumbled "Hello."

The man referred to as Payno turned back to Louis and handed him a set of keys. "Well then, you won't take too long, right?" Louis nodded. "Drop the keys off after you're done. I'll see you later." He turned to me. "Nice to meet you."

I was going to respond but he was already rushing back to his car eager to drive away. "Don't mind him. He's just nervous about getting caught. He's really cool once you get to know him." I put the hood tighter around my head and breathed deeply. I took in Louis' scent from the hoodie and let it invade my lungs, making its way through my whole body and exiting with a exhale. With the other man leaving, my nerves returned. I was alone with Louis.

Not that I hadn't been all day. At this moment it seemed different than it had earlier. During the day, we were out, taking pictures, having tea and in public places with other people. Here, we were alone. I felt anxious and I had the same feeling as I did when I was anticipating sex. There was clearly some tension since we met and this isolation would be just enough to tip us over the edge.

I stopped my thoughts. What about Diana? I kicked myself as I remembered I hadn't thought of her all day, much less called her or sent her a message. I doubted she would wonder what's been going on since she would be busy with school and homework. Regardless, I made a mental note to call her as soon as we got back to Louis' house.

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