Chapter 23: He Picked Me

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"So, tell us about yourself. Where do you live?" Niall began, slurping the drink in front of him while we waited for the pizza to arrive. Niall and I were balls deep in a Karaoke bar story when we realized we knew nothing about Zayn. He had just shown up to our audition and being the only one who did, we had him join.

We also needed something to pass the time while we waited for Louis and Liam. We assumed they wouldn't be long behind us but it seemed they took the long route getting to the restaurant.

"I live more east, towards the infirmary." Zayn smiled. I frowned. Louis lives a street over from the infirmary. "I'm neighbors with my mum, so I'm not entirely moved out since I still see her pretty much every day."

"I see," I said in a professional tone, sitting up straight and narrowing my eyes as I drank my tea. "Will she be upset that you're going with us to the competition in another country?"

He shrugged. "I don't think it's up to her what I wish to do with my life."

My stomach flipped. I like that answer. I still believed I could have an hour debate with anyone as to what color Zayn's eyes were. At times, much like now, they were a darker shade of brown with a bright sparkle, shining brighter as he talked about something personal.

Niall  cleared his throat. "Are you enrolled in school?"

"I was planning to take summer classes for Uni but found a better way to spend that time," he chuckled, then turning to me. "It's my girlfriend who's gonna be upset."

My lips pouted involuntarily. Ouch. "Right, I know how that feels." I forced a smile. "Are you currently working?"

Zayn's hand ran through his short hair and scratched his scalp. "I am, I work in a bakery." At this time, his eyes shifted to more of a caramel color, relaxing and just looking mellowed out. His fingers wrapped around his drink and brought it to his lips, taking a sip before putting it back. I watched the gulp go down his throat as his adam's apple bobbed, then lick his lips when he was finished. I found it difficult to tear my eyes away form his lips. "Perhaps I can bring doughnuts or muffins to the next meeting."

Beside me Niall laughed, "Or a cake, or cookies. Basically anything you can bring us, we can eat." I blinked my eyes and focused on the approaching waiter, steadying a large tray with our pizza on his hands. "Speaking of eating."

Behind the waiter, two figures hurried to find us. "Took you long enough," I snapped, my expression softening when I saw how shaky Louis looked. I itched to ask how the explanation to Liam went but kept my thoughts to myself until I was given a chance to ask privately.

"Sorry we're late, lads. Caught a bit of traffic." Louis stood at the end of the booth beside Liam, waiting for either me or Zayn to scoot over for him to sit. Comically, we both did simultaneously, chuckling and exchanging you wanna scoot? I'll scoot, it's no big deal. Louis rolled his eyes, "Let me sit down, Harold."

I could feel a blush growing in my cheeks. He picked me. I elbowed Niall and shuffled to make room for the two entering. The pizza was placed in the middle of the table, being torn apart even before the plates were exchanged.

"Honestly, I'm pretty sure I can get a drum kit. I didn't see my mate take it with him when he left to Sydney and I know he'll let me use it for practice," I grinned, thinking of how furious Ashton would be if I actually used his drum kit. He'd let me try it out before, changing his mind when I caught on to going ba dum tss after everything he said.

Zayn chewed through a smile before wiping his lips and replying, "I'd like to buy a new kit. The set I have is pretty old and I'm sure it'll break if I have to do more than a full song. I'd been saving up for one anyway, I just never saw the reason to actually purchase a new one."

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