Chapter 39: I'm Not Ever Going Back

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Welcome back everyone :) A little recap before we jump into this chapter; I kinda need you to go back and read the flashbacks in order for this flashback to make sense. Sorry for the homework, but see you at the end of this chapter!

1) Chapter 26: A Happy Smile
2) Chapter 35: Never Again
3) Chapter 36: Clap, Clap, Clap
4) Chapter 28: What's It Called?
5) Chapter 31: Are You High Right Now?
6) Chapter 33: Snap Out Of It
7) Chapter 39: ___________

Louis rubs his hands together, taking in his girlfriends words. "So, you want to move in together."

She rolls her eyes. "No, Louis, have you even been listening to me?"

He sighs, palms now at his forehead. "I'm trying here, alright? You're not making any sense. You've only told me you want to go to school in bloody Cheshire and you want my opinion...I think." He takes a look at her acceptance letter before meeting her eyes. "What do you want me to say here?"

"I want you to reassure me that whatever I decide for my future is going to be our future. That's all I want. I want you to tell me, 'it's okay, darling, we'll make it work. You go on and get an education to better our lives as a team'." There's aggression in her voice but it's hidden. Her family is in the living room while they converse in the kitchen at the table.

He frowns. "Our future? We just graduated. I thought I was taking that job with my dad, am I not allowed to do that anymore?"

"Oh, so I'm just going to be your homemaker for the rest of our lives?"

Rest of our lives, he repeats in his head as he leans back in the kitchen chair.

"I just haven't thought that far ahead-"

"Of course you haven't, why would you? Clearly you don't see yourself with me for as long as I see myself with you." Diana crosses her arms and turns her face to the floor next to her. The smell of brown dye in her hair lingers as it covers her eyes bubbling with tears.

He's not buying the waterworks. "I can't be expected to think that far ahead right now. I thought we agreed I was taking the job to have some money for us to, you know, be young. Go on dates. Buy nice things. Not think about giving up my own future to have you go to school as if we're actually-" He stops, knowing if he continues she'll actually have a reason to cry.

She glares at him. "As if we're what, Louis?"

He looks at the ceiling. "I want to work here. You want to go to school there. You want me to promise everything will be okay but I'm not sure it will be. I don't know if we can make it work. If we can't and we don't make it to forever, well, I want to have a backup plan."

He hears the words leave his mouth like a child being tumbled by an ocean wave. That sounded a hundred times worse than what he actually meant.

Or did it, he thinks as Diana processes his rant, I'm allowed to have a life too, right? Am I supposed to be her homemaker?

He's about to continue when she speaks.

"You want to have a backup plan?" She throws her head back and laughs, still careful not to alarm her family. "I guess I should expect nothing less from the son of a man who couldn't commit to his wife even after several children."

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