Chapter 3: Whatd'ya Say?

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        All morning before I went to work, Diana had thoroughly explained the events from the day before. Louis had taken a cab from Doncaster, their hometown, and sent her a text from outside her class when he arrived, only stating they needed to talk. They discussed who got custody of their once shared playstation. Diana was the one who bought it but Louis argued that he would use it more and she was only keeping it to spite him. The conversation was getting pretty heated before I butt in. After I left, Diana said his overall tone changed and he sounded more probing toward me and my relationship with her. She mentioned we were seeing each other romantically and that's when he said the bull about wanting to rekindle their relationship. When she refused she claims he was heartbroken, which I don't believe one bit, and he ultimately agreed to come back the next day with more reasonable terms after he'd calmed down.

        I left Diana's dorm in a bit of a rush as I had to go back to my house and get ready for work. After I'd showered I saw I had a missed call from Diana so I called her back.

        Her voice sounded irritated when she answered. "Hello?"

        "Hi," I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. "What's happened?"

        "Louis texted me about today," she sighed. "I told him I didn't wanna meet him in the cafe again, in case he lost his temper again, but I don't know where else to go."

        I placed the phone on speaker and dried myself off, hoping she couldn't hear the echo that I was in the restroom. "What did you tell him?"

        "I dunno," she mumbled. I could almost see her shrugging. "I guess it'll just have to be in my dorm."

        I could hear my sister, Gemma, in the kitchen making food. She was also heading to work soon and I know she worked later than I did. Since it was just the two of us I decided to offer my place for the talk.

        "Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to," she replied, unconvinced.

        I was dried off and I started to get dressed, examining myself in the mirror after each piece of clothing. "Of course I want to. Plus, I will give you your privacy if you want, I'll be in my room and you two can take the living room."

        "I was actually thinking you could be with us during the talk."

        I was putting the paste on my toothbrush when she said that, leading me to splurt out a little more than intended. "What? Why?"

        She chuckled a little. "It was only a suggestion! Though I do think it'll be a good idea, in case he tries that 'I want you back' crap again."

        I brushed my teeth, humming as I thought of her idea. I was able to spit out an "I guess," after I was finished.

        The rest of the day dragged on. It was a slow day and by the time I got to my last client, my anxiety was crazy high. I called Diana, who was finishing up a bit of homework, and she said Louis was just a few minutes away as she had told him around what time to arrive.

        Diana and I waited in my living room nervous and not knowing what to expect. My stomach did summersaults waiting for the knock on the door so I'd be able to open it and look into those blue eyes once more. Just the thought sent me into a frenzy of goosebumps all over my body, clamming up my hands and making my legs fidgety.

        At last it came, the sound of a rusty red car coming to a halt in my drive way, soft steps walking up to my door and quick knocks. I jumped to my feet a little too eagerly, walking halfway to the door before mumbling, "I'll get it."

        It was a pretty clowdy day, so I wasn't surprised to see Louis in a jumper and plain jeans. In one hand was a manila folder with a pen clipped on it and his other was stuffed in his pocket. His hair looked a bit messy but it only highlighted his naturally perfect features. His eyes met mine and he smiled. "I don't think we've properly met," he pulled his hand out of his pocket. "I'm Louis."

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