30. Don't Make Me Laugh

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JYP high school gym

The team were having a break of training. Seungmin had a delicious food and a...cute lunch box.

Seungmin: Thanks of the food! *happily*

The team looked at Seungmin of what he's eating.

Hyunjin: *went to Seungmin* That's cute.
Seungmin: What?
Hyunjin: Did you take your little sister's by mistake?
Seungmin: Oh, sorry! But I made it myself, so I don't think I'd—
Hyunjin: you made it yourself?
???: Hey, that looks good. *Took some of Seungmin's food.*

Out of nowhere, Jeongin appeared.

Hyunjin: Jeongin!
Jeongin: Hey. *While eating*
Hyunjin: Where have you been?! You can't skip practice for no reason! You're coming to practice this afternoon, right?
Jeongin: *Laughs* you can't be serious. *talking to Seungmin* This is really good. Give me the rest of it.
Seungmin: But this is—
Jeongin: Huh?
Seungmin: Sorry, go ahead!
Hyunjin: Don't give him that, Seungmin!
Jeongin: Shut up. I can skip practice as long as I have a reason, right? Seungmin you left your bag in the classroom, here. *Gave Seungmin's bag*
Seungmin: Thank you.
Jeongin: I just came to return his bag. So I'm leaving. Practice hard.
Hyunjin: Wait, Jeongin!

Hyunjin ran to Jeongin and grabbed him his shirt.

Hyunjin: Enough already! I'm telling you to go to practice!
Jeongin: I'll forgive you once. Let me go.

Jeongin then knee Hyunjin's stomach and Hyunjin went down.

Changbin: Jeongin!
Jeongin: I told him I'd do it. Practice, practice. Don't make me laugh. *picked up a basketball* Seungmin, how many points did I score last game?
Seungmin: Huh? Uh, 82 points.

Jeongin ran towards under the basket, jumped and dunked the ball very hard. When he did, he broke the rim like it was nothing.

Jeongin: *holding a broken rim* Oh? I did it again. *laughs* I don't think you can practice with this thing. Let's see, what was I trying to say? Oh, right. *threw away the broke rim* You can talk after you perform better than me. Hmph, not that you ever will.

Jeongin then went out of the gym.

Hyunjin: Damn it! *Still holding his stomach*
Changbin: Are you okay, Hyunjin? Sorry about that.
Hyunjin: Captain, why are you apologizing?
Changbin: You're not wrong, but don't say anything else to Jeongin. Meritocracies are hardly unusual.
Hyunjin: But—
Changbin: Do you know the golfer Tiger Woods?
Hyunjin: Huh?
Changbin: What about Shaq?
Hyunjin: You mean Shaquille O'Neal?
Changbin: Yeah. Tiger won tons of games by hitting the ball too far, so they extended courses and added regulations to keep him driving so far. Shaq too. He was too strong, so there was a drastic increase of rough play to stop him. That's why they made the no-charge zone, so the offense wouldn't charged with fouls. In the world of sports, sometimes, when a single player is too strong, they change the rules. They're not common, but they really do exist *referring to Jeongin*. They're unfairly strong. They're monsters.

Bighit High school gym

Yeji: Hey, guys! The names of all the schools in the championship league are out! As you can see, A block is us, B block is JYP High, C block is BC High, and D block is DSP. These four schools will compete to represent our region. This is a fresh league chart.
Taehyun: Well maybe it's because Woolim and Pledis are always there.
Jihoon: I've been thinking we beat two of those teams, right? Do you think this year we could make it all the way?
Hyunwoo: You!
Yeonjun: You said it!
Jihoon: Even if we lose to Yuna and Jeongin, if we beat the others—
Yeji: It's not DSP. Those two go to JYP High.
Bighit players except Kai: What??
Yeji: What do you mean what? Yuna already told us that she's at JYP High. Plus, Ryujin even asked her. JYP High's history isn't impressive, but they've been putting energy into their scouting efforts recently...recruiting promising athletes from all over the country. In the last few years they've rapidly gained power, and this year's lineup is comparable to Woolim's.
Donghyun: I don't believe it.

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