Chapter 24

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"Chloe wake up." I heard a voice mutter. I squeezed my eyes close tighter and turned to my other side in hopes that the person would take the hint and go away. Sadly that was too hopeful because this person started shaking me and lightly tapping my face. "Come on Chloe get up I made breakfast." The voice sang still lightly tapping me. 

I sighed rolled back over and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and opened them to reveal the one and only Trish. I don't know who else it could have been. "Really what did you make?" I looked at her and asked the tiredness evident in my voice. 

She laughed and said "Somehow I knew that would get you up. I made chocolate chip pancakes and some hash browns. I am making toast too I was just waiting for you to actually wake up and if you want I can make some eggs with that too." She answered me.  She leaned on the side of my bed with her arms crossed. 

"Aw you didn't have to do all of that. I really don't need eggs and in all honesty I probably won't need the toast either. It was really sweet of you to make breakfast though. What time is it, didn't you say we had to be in at 11:30?" I asked.

"Don't worry it's only 9:00 AM I just wanted you to be able to have enough time to eat and get ready.  Also some chill time before work wouldn't be too bad. Now come on lets go eat before it's cold." She said heading out of my room. 

I followed her into the living room she had two plates set on the table and a cup of coffee next to hers. "Could I get myself a cup of coffee as well?" I asked her. She looked at me with a duh look so I went ahead and helped myself to a clean mug sitting on the drying rack. I poured some coffee in and added milk, a lot of creamer, and a shit ton of sugar. 

I sat down next to Trish after taking a view brief sips of my coffee. She was already munching down on her food so I happily followed along and ate her super fluffy delicious pancakes. The  hash browns were really good too. Super crispy and tasted like she added garlic powder to them. I love garlic powder. 

"Trish god this breakfast is so good thank you so much I am so full." I said after finishing my plate. I laid back and rubbed my little food baby that I now had. I giggled to myself in my head. Haha food baby.

"It was no problem really just pancakes and hash browns." She said trying to be modest. I saw that cheeky smile she was trying so hard to hide and cover up. I just rolled my eyes because she knows that this breakfast was damn good. "So am I crazy or do we both wanna watch some glee before we have to get ready for work?" She asked me already predicating my answer. She already knows me so well. 

"That is exactly what I wanna do right now. I both wanna shoot and hug Rachel Berry and I love that."  I said getting up to put our dishes away in the sink. 

She threw her head back and laughed while putting the show on. "Yeah I guess its not much of a spoiler that everyone has a love/hate relationship with her." She said and I nodded in agreement because it's true. 

Before I knew it, it was already 10:37 AM. About time for us to start getting ready. I think Trish noticed that too because she turned off the show. "Alright I'm gonna go straighten my hair and get ready. My hair looks way better up while its straighten." She joked then headed back to her room. 

I let out a big sigh,  I don't wanna get up from this spot I'm so comfy but I have to get ready. Seriously though how long  would it actually take me to get ready.  The uniform isn't really hard to put on and I don't really plan on wearing make up. Maybe mascara but I don't have that much makeup left from the move. I packed whatever Kadin's people gave me to dress up but that's about it. I can just French braid my hair in two braids. All together shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes but I guess I should start getting ready now just incase I mess up the braids on the first try. 

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