Chapter 14

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Tonight's the big night. The night where I dress up like a cheap whore and lead a somewhat innocent man out to his death.  I knew this was coming, I mean the lessons earlier with Allison weren't for nothing. I guess I just thought I would get myself out of this by now. 

I'm not ready to be a part of something like this, but do I really have a choice. The answer is no.  I value my life. I don't really know if I have anything to live for anymore, but I have hopes and dreams for a future. Now I can't even attend school to fulfill them. Even if it really matters, I guess I wouldn't have the money to go anyways. 

My mood severely tainted after my sudden realization of how drastically this is really affecting my life. My life which wasn't important enough for my parents. How could they just give me away and not feel an ounce of remorse? Is this what I should get used to? 

I went from having all the freedom anyone could ever want, to being contained and caged like an animal. Sure, my parents weren't there for me. Kadin is though. There to just bring me down more. At least with my parents I could watch whatever I wanted and be trusted with electronics. 

I looked at the clock and it read that it was 8:00P.M. Wow, I am surprised that Kadin hasn't come barging up here telling me that I have to get ready. 

I just want everything to be normal. I was so close to having my way out and finally getting my own life. My own fresh start. Instead, I get to dress up and play. It's like the dangerous version of elementary school or something. 

I sighed and finally rolled out of bed. Being stuck here has given me a lot of time to be grateful for the creation of beds, I guess. All of that doesn't matter though, I need to get changed for my first mission. 

I decided to change into a pair of leggings and a red crop top hoodie. One of the only positive things about this entire situation is a completely new wardrobe just for me. I haven't taken the time to look fully. I'm a little scared to. My "costumes" are supposed to be in there. (A.K.A the things I wear to lead men to their death.) This outfit is just for my training, I remember Kadin saying I would need some self-defense before I go out there. 

I made my way downstairs into the kitchen. Which to my surprise is empty. I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it. I thought someone would be here to show me where to go and such. 

I went ahead a got myself some water while I waited for Kadin. 

"Sunflower good you're already ready." A voiced boomed through the silence. "I just need to teach you some basics for tonight. You won't be dealing with anyone too violent." He added. 

I quickly whip my head to see he figure entering the room. 

"Now that you have eaten something I think it is time to train you." Kadin said in all seriousness. 

"I knew this was coming, I feel like I should warn you that I am nowhere near in shape." I spoke. I don't know what I was hoping to achieve by saying this, possibly he would just let me go. I guess that's just me being hopefully still. 

"Nothing we are doing today will require that much energy from you." He said, pretty quickly might I add. I should have known he would have an answer for everything. "You will just be learning how to block most attacks, so you won't have to do any attacking, yet at least." He teased.

"Okay, so where do we begin then?" I asked a little confused.  I get that I am supposed to be blocking attacks, but wouldn't it make more sense if I knew how to do the attacks I was blocking first? Whatever he's the boss, I guess. 

A little over 3 hours later I am sweating, and my body feels like its been hit by the Willy Wonka chocolate boat. Kadin's idea of work Twas pure torture. It was like the wax on wax off scene of karate kid.  I have never been one for exercise or anything of that nature. Then here Kadin is expecting me to be capable of doing everything he can do. I'm just glad it's over with. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me. I thought we were just supposed to be learning simple defense moves, not his whole cardio routine. 

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