Chapter 20

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I woke up to voices hurriedly saying, "Hurry grab the girl he's getting close, and you and I both know what she means to him." The man said. Could he be talking about Kadin, could Kadin be coming to get me? I can't let this man take me away I can't be here any longer I am scared and I just wanna go home, wherever that is anyways. I have to think of a way to delay this as long as I can.

I yanked my hand, only then the pain reminded me that a zip tie is currently binding it to the bed. Great. I hurriedly look around for anything that I could use to help me in this situation, and then it clicked. I have a pillow case that I can use. I quickly yank of the pillowcase and put it into my left hand, the only one available for now. 

I hear footsteps approaching, and they are coming fast. I quickly compose myself to get ready for what's about to happen. The door bursts open and reveals yet another man I don't know. He smirked "Now come on poor little Chloe lover boy's on the way." He mockingly said as he cut me free. "Let's go." He said and turned his back to lead me out the door. Big mistake. I take the pillowcase in both hands and lung at him to strangle him. I strangle harder and harder, he gets weaker and so do my legs as he finally passes out. I hurriedly check his pulse to see if he is alive, and to my relief he is. I would do anything to get out of here, but I would never want murder to be on my conscience. 

I don't really know what my plan was after this. I mean yeah the guy is passed out, the door is open, and I am untied. But I can't just go waltzing  out the door, someone will catch me. They know I need to get out of here. There is only one thing I can do at this point, and that is escape through the window and get the fuck out of here. 

That's exactly what I did, I squished my way through the window, and ran as fast as I could, and I never looked back at that damn warehouse. Hell I might not have to ever look back at this town. Where do I have to go? This is my chance to be FREE to escape. I can dye my hair, change my name and leave town. Never look back.

Only I can't do that. I can't do that because I for sure love Kadin, I didn't actually realize it until now, but I love him. I love the way how he tries to hide his feelings because he's supposed to keep up this big man persona. But I can see past it, I've gotten to look into his eyes and see the love he could provide. I have to go to Kadin's.

I started darting towards Kadin's. Without him I wouldn't have been able to make it out of there. All his training. Not to mention how before him I could barley speak without stuttering and now it's like I have found a strong confidence within myself. He makes me feel amazing but horrible all at once. Yet I love him more than I have ever felt for anyone, not even my parents. 

But what if he doesn't love me back, what if he was doing just fine without me and wasn't actually looking for me. What if they were wrong and there was no 'lover boy' coming for me. What if he was relieved without me.

All those negative thoughts came too late. As I had already found myself at his house. Panting, out of breathe, and worst of all a sweaty smelling mess. I was never so glad to see this house though. I turned the door knob to see it is unlocked, seriously I literally just got kidnapped. That thought quickly passes as soon as I open the door run in, "Kadin!" I yell as I run all over the house. Which took a minute considering they practically lived in a mansion. Seriously a house full of people and not a single one to be home so I can tell them about the craziness that just too place.  

I huffed and plopped on the couch and stared directly at the front door waiting, and I stayed like that for over an hour. Wasn't till then I realized a big bloody gash on my arm from trying to resist the zip tie. I had big scratches and bruises all up and down my legs from trying to cram my way through the window. I did not have the time to open all the way, and in the moment I could only think of running. I also didn't realize how tired I was. After running all that I'm not surprised though. My last thought was 'When will they be back.' as I fell asleep.


I wasn't on the couch when I woke up, I was on Kadin's bed, with him staring directly at me shaking. I noticed dried tear trails, meaning he has been crying. I sat up quickly in shock. "Kadin have you been crying?" I asked. He didn't answer me.

A couple seconds of silence go by. "What happened Chloe?" He asked his voice quivering. Yet I didn't get a chance to answer cause that quickly followed with "Because on minute you are using the bathroom, and the next thing I know I'm pacing through every store in that mall every bathroom, and I couldn't find you Chloe! I couldn't!" He couldn't continue before he started to sob. I quickly got up and embraced him. He embraced me harder while sobbing into my shoulder. 

We rocked back in forth and slowly his cries started slowing down, he started to calm down hugging me even tighter the calmer he got. "At first I thought you ran away but I knew you wouldn't do that."  He said. And he wasn't wrong, I could never run away from him. I just don't understand I kind of thought he hated me up until my parents died. "When I heard Xander took you something inside me shattered. I didn't realize what loosing you would feel like. I tried pushing you away but that was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I should have kept you closer. The feeling of loosing you was worse then getting shot in the shoulder Chloe, I didn't really know how much you  meant to me until I was going crazy looking for you. Look I guess what I am trying to say is I'm sorry for the way I treated you when we first met, I was intimidated by how gorgeous you were. How amazingly funny you were, and shy. I love you Chloe. And I never want to lose you again." He said. Tears were streaming down my face and I hugged him even tighter.

"I love you too Kadin, so much. You are forgiven. I honestly had no idea you felt that way, but I always knew you were capable of being something more than just a cold-hearted gang leader. You're love is the purest love I've ever known." I said and we just hugged forever.

"What I don't understand is why he would Kidnap you, our gangs have a system. We are allies I just don't get it." He said shaking his head and rubbing his hands over his face in a act of stress. 

"I know why, my parents didn't just owe you money. They apparently owed them tons of money too. So once they died I guess I was the only thing that had value for them. I don't know kind of makes sense considering that's what happened here." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Just makes me wonder how many other people they owe money to. And how many other people will be coming after me." I said with a scared undertone. 

"No one will ever hurt you under my watch, I will be by you always now. The reason I wanted you wasn't about getting the money or having  you work, it was because I was always interested in you. I shouldn't have set you up to do some job like that, I will never forgive myself for that. I hated seeing the way men would look at you while you weren't looking. It was vile." He said.

"I will get revenge Chloe, we may have been cool before but not anymore. Don't thing I didn't notice the gash on your wrist or your thighs, they will pay. They will understand what true betrayal feels like." He said in a promising girl. I looked down and noticed that he had my gash bandaged. I smiled. I snuggled up deeper into his arms and have decided, this is my home. Wherever he is, is where my home is. 


AHHHHH guys that is Chapter 20! I hope you enjoy the book, and feel free to leave any POSTIVE comments. Its alright to state you opinion but please be respectful. I love you guys and thank you for enjoying the thing I love to do, I love reading your comments and everyone asking for more you guys are truly amazing!!!

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