Chapter 19

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My head hurt like a bitch. There was a gross piece of cloth around my mouth preventing me to scream for help. I'm in a tiny room with a small bed that isn't the cleanest, but not like those dirty rotted bed in the movies. I've been awake for almost an hour now I think, I don't know I don't really have access to time zip tied to a bed, oh yeah did I mention I was tip tied to the bed. Oh no, well I am. 

The only explanation I can think of to why I am here is Kadin. He's a gang leader, maybe I was kidnapped for leverage. How could I possibly figure it out if I haven't even seen or talked to my captors yet. I'm scared and hungry. I don't know how long I was out for or how far out I was. 

The door to the room started to jiggle, as someone was unlocking it I assume. In comes a man, not too much older than Kadin. 

He closed the door and just stood in front of it, as if I were to dart right out with him in the room. "Hi Chloe how are you feeling?" The man asked. I stayed silent. He seemed to get a bit irritated. "Well do you have any idea as to why your hear Chloe?" He asked taking a sit on a stool. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

He titled his head, then slapped me. My entire jaw felt like it popped out of place. I used my free hand to hold my jaw and whimpered in pain.

"Now Chloe, answer me. Why do you think you are here?" He asked in a demanding voice. 

"I don't know! The only thing I could think of was Kadin, you are one of his rivals trying to get revenge." I screamed out crying. Scared he was going to rock my shit again. 

All he did was laugh. I was confused why was he laughing? He didn't stop and kept laughing. He tried to stop to catch his breath but then gathered himself.

"You know you are quit funny, I could give a rats ass about Sparks, I know he's beneath me. I find it intriguing that you don't know." He said then let out a chuckle, but a dark one. 

What is it that I don't know. How could he be so confident that Kadin is beneath him. Once Kadin gets here he's going to kick his ass. Then he won't be saying that. 

 "Awww look at you so confused." He said taunting me.

"What is it exactly that I don't know?" I asked getting more annoyed with this guy by the second. He noticed though. Then proceeded to yank my hair.

"You see I don't really like that tone you are using." He spat out. Tugging on my hair even harder, making me tear up. God this hurts like a bitch how is this a kink again. "Do I make myself clear." He said finally letting go. I only nodded. Surprisingly he didn't get onto me for not being vocal about it. 

He stayed silent. Only making me more impatient. "If Kadin isn't the reason that I am here, then why? I haven't done anything." I asked.

"Wow Chloe, you really think that Kadin's gang was the only one your parents borrowed money from? You are so naive. Not to mention you did lead on of my men to his death. Although not as worried as getting my money." He said. It was all  a lot to process. I've been with Kadin for a hot minute now. Why would he just now Kidnap me? 

"Why would you just now Kidnap me then?" I asked trying to wrap my head around it.

"You see it was obvious Kadin took a liking to you, so your parents knew that you would be more than enough payment for him, but I wanted money. So that's what they continued to give me. They didn't have enough for the both of us so you had to go to someone. Once they died, obviously so did those payments." He said. I still don't understand why I was kidnapped and what I have to do with this. 

"Okay then why am I hear!" I shouted. Yeah not a good idea. His immediate reactions was to punch me. Holy fuck, I think my nose is bleeding. He raised his eyebrow at me, as if there was no explanation needed for the punch. How lovely.

"You are here because you impressed me, but damn do you have an attitude. You could be a good asset, you led one of my men to his death. You could do the same for me, or anything else I need you to do, and your mouth will stop. I'm not like Kadin, I won't becoming your little bitch. He lost all sense every since you showed up, but it's only benefited me, and look now. He doesn't have you." The man said. Great, kidnapped to only be stuck in another gang doing their work. 

He put the stool away and got up. He went to the door and was getting ready to leave but stops to say, "Oh and Chloe sweety, don't bother trying to escape, I have guards watching you at all times." He smirked.

Before he left I shouted, "WAIT!" He stopped and looked at me. "What's your name?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm Alexander, but you can call me Xander. I'm your new boss might as well have a nickname."He tauntingly winked, and slammed the door shut. To top it off I got to hear the dreadful sound of the door being locked. Only reminding me of my zero freedom in this prison. What am I gonna do now. What if Kadin doesn't come? What if I am just stuck here as an actual slave.  

I wasn't even alone in the room for 15 minutes and I already heard the door being unlocked again. What the hell. Only the person who came in wasn't Alexander, it was a boy who looked around 16 and scared shitless. He was holding a plate, looks like it contained a turkey sandwich and some plain Lays chips. I was starving.

"Mr.Collins said you should eat something." He stuttered.

"Who?" I asked confused. I don't know him doesn't ring a bell.

"Alexander, but don't let him catch me say that." He said with fear in his eyes. Weird he told me to just call him Xander. Why wouldn't I call him Mr.Collins too? Unless its just a trick to be able to beat me. I have decided to call him Mr.Collins just in case.

"Why are you here." I asked the boy. It was obvious it wasn't here by choice, but he looked too terrified to tell me. "You can tell me, it's not like I am here by choice either." I said raising my hand that is still zip tied to the bed. Yeah he never undid that. Asshole. 

He gently laid the sandwich on my stomach so I could reach it and eat it. "Well let's just say I am here so my little sister doesn't have to be." He said giving me as little information as possible. As if I would tell, but it's understandable. Might be a touchy subject.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Orion." He softly spoke. What a unique name. "What about you, what's your name, why are you here? He asked curiously.

"I'm Chloe, and let's just say I have terrible luck when it comes to debts." I said with a light grin.

He managed to put a grin on too. Shook his head as he walked to the door. "Looks like were stuck on the same page." He said then left, not forgetting to lock the door to my dismay. 

I let out a big sigh and slammed my head against the bed frame. My mind went to endless thoughts, about the outcome of this scenario. I finally finished my sandwich and chips and all I could think about was water. I laid there with my thoughts swirling around my mind, and fell asleep with two things on my mind. Kadin and water.


HERE WE GO  another one. Once again so sorry for such a huge gap between my updates, I can never find a good way to defeat writers block, but here lately I've been feeling really inspired. I've also been so happy, and I hope you guys can say the same. Enjoy Chapter 19, 20 will be out soon. And a lot sooner than 6 months I promise ;)

                                                                                                                                 - Heaven

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