Chapter 7

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I sighed and threw my car keys onto the kitchen counter. I run my hands threw my hair and practically tried to pull it out. I don't get it, I really don't freaking get it. I do one nice thing and not only is the person ungrateful but now a gang leader thinks I am working for someone to take him down. What a flipping day. If I wanted to take him down I sure as hell wouldn't have gone into that club. If I were a real gang member or helper whatever, I would have been more discreet than that. 

I probably pissed him off to the point where he is going to kill me or my family. There is no winning in this situation for me. Who knows if he believed anything I said. I'm just a sitting duck waiting to die. I think it's time to change my name and move to Africa or Australia anywhere but here. Sadly I don't have any money to do that though. 

My thoughts are just making me more stressed, maybe I should just take a bath and watch Netflix. Yeah that's exactly what I am going to do. Baths are always calming, something about the warm water and of course the scented bubble bath. I think I'll go with a rose scent this time. I'm not a big fan of floral but roses smell so good. I like lavender a lot too, but that's a different type of floral. I guess it's just old lady floral that I don't like. 

I run upstairs and get the clothes that I am going to wear when I get out of the bath together. Which of course is just a large t-shirt and some underwear. I get my laptop and head to my bathroom. Who says you need a TV in the bathroom. I got a portable one right here. 

I start the water and grab some rose bubble for my bath. Once the temperature was to my liking I plugged the drain and added the rose.  I put on The Originals and undress and get in the tub. I fully sit down and lean back and sigh. Boy did I need this bath. 


Finally after a couple hours I decided that I was done with the whole bath thing. Well mostly the water did, it turned cold a couple times so I kept adding more hot water and I am now a complete prune. Oh well it was totally worth it. I guess you could say that The Originals kept me distracted from my body turning into a rain. 

In the middle of my thoughts of me being a prune my stomach lets our the biggest growl possible. I take a quick glance at the clock and notice that it's already 7:00 P.M. Well doesn't time fly by.  I guess it might be a good idea to eat. Yet I have no idea what I can eat right now. I am pretty tired. The bath was really relaxing.

I put my clothes on and take the towel of my head. As I said before I am pretty tired, I want to go to bed here pretty soon or something. 

I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen. I decided a cup of chicken Ramen Noodles will be good. I open the cup lid, add water, a egg, and some green onion. Then I pop it in the microwave for about 4 minutes.  Now I know what your thinking. That's really freaking weird, well let me tell you may sound weird but it tastes really good. I used to eat scrambled eggs cooked in the microwave when I was younger, so one day I decided to add one into my ramen. Turns out I fell in love that day. 

The microwave started beeping scaring the absolute living shit out of me. Is that just me? Like microwaves and toasters. I get so scared and the anticipation of the toaster scares me. I feel like that's normal...Right? Scary then a jump scare in most scary movies these days. 

Anyways I take my precious noodles out of the microwave and go to sit on the very loved couch. I set my noodles on the table to cool down while I find out what show I want to watch. I decided on watching One Tree Hill for right now. Good solid show strongly recommend. I like to have a variety of shows going for whatever mood I happen to be in. 

I pick up my noodles and go ham on those babies. 

One cup of noodles and one episode later I was even more tired than before. 

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