Chapter 11

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"Are you kidding me?!" Were the first words that flew out of my mouth. "What in your right mind make you think that I can do that? I have zero confidence I would give us away so quickly." I said trying to come up with anything for him not to make me do this. I clearly had underestimated Kadin and his ability to be a fucking jerk. That's why he made this dinner, he doesn't cook he just wanted to ease me in then drop the torture hammer down. 

He squinted his eyes at me as if he was giving me the look a mother gives to their disruptive child. "Chloe, I am not stupid. I have people who will teach you. We are also going to need a full on make-over. You can't be looking like that trying to get men to go into an alley with you." He spoke. He's been planning this the whole time. I have to find a way to get out of here. This can't be my life. 

I sighed and ran my fingers through my long wavy hair. "What if this doesn't work, you can give me a makeover all you want. You can't just teach someone confidence overnight." I said giving one final shot at ruining this. 

I can't devalue myself in this way. I can't do this; I really need to think of something good to get me out of here. I don't know how long I am going to be able to put up with this.

"Quite frankly I don't care what you think it's going to happen; you can't sabotage this. Your parents owe me, and since they can't pay up it's your problem now, unless you want them to die?" He said. God he is such a prick. 

"Kadin, I don't think I can do this. No wait I know for sure I can't do this. I just don't feel comfortable with it. It isn't me." I spoke.

"Chloe, I don't care how you feel about it, you're doing it end of story. " He said, pure authority shot through his tone. He wasn't messing around on this one. "Now not only are you going to need a makeover and lessons on how to seduce a man, but you are also going to need self defense lessons as well. You need to be able to protect yourself in case things go south. These aren't good men Chloe." He added.

"Whatever." I whispered out. My throat is clenching up as if it is burning. Tears are welling up in my eyes. I feel cheap. I turned away and quickly went to my room closed the door and locked it. I have to think. There has to be a way out of here. Think Chloe think. There has got to be a reason why he knows so much about me. It could either be he is really thorough with kidnapping people, or he is obsessed with me and may like me. I could take advantage of that if that's the case.

I just need to know more and wait it out before I think of a plan. First, I need to think of a way to make sure that my family is safe, I know they are the reason I am in this mess, but I don't need their blood on my hands while trying to make a fresh start. What would I even do, where would I even go? 

I shook all the previous thoughts out of my head and picked up the soothing apple cinnamon soap to wash my hands with. After about two minutes of washing my hands, I dried them. I guess washing my hands takes back everything that I touched that he also may have touched. 

All the sudden I hear a knock on the door. My heart immediately stops. Should I pretend I am asleep? I've only been up here for a few minutes that wouldn't work. "Yeah?" I said quickly before whoever was knocking got angry. 

"Look Chloe, I know you aren't happy with the situation, but that's how it's got to be for now. I don't know how to say it I guess your lessons will start tomorrow so just remember that this is for your parents. I put your food in the fridge in case you changed your mind." After he said that I heard his footsteps trail away from my door, as they should. Like I am going to eat that poison.

I wonder which one of my lessons start tomorrow. Self-defense or make over torture. I hope these classes las long enough for me to come up with a way to keep my family safe and to get me away from here. I don't think I can handle being here for the rest of my life or until Kadin is done with me. 

I look around the room for things to do till I am tired, I notice that the window is had bars on it, ah of course no escaping out of the window then. It wasn't meant to be anyways I am very clumsy and that is a recipe for disaster calling. 

Sighing I give up thinking about a route to escarping. Instead, I want to think about Serena from Gossip Girl. What would I give to be her. She lives her life so carefree, the biggest worry she has is if Gossip Girl is going to post what she had for breakfast. I'm sure she's never had to worry about being kidnapped because her parents were too broke to pay a debt. Well of course not her parents are rich. 

Those were my last thoughts before passing out. 


CHAPTER 11 IS COMPLETED. I am so happy to finally accomplish another chapter. I am so sorry for the wait it kind of feels like for ever huh? Well I apologize for that. I hope you are enjoying the book so far. I love reading everyone's comments its so fun. I am always free to talk so never hesitate to DM and talk to me. Love you all!! Can't wait for Chapter 12 ;)

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