Chapter 9

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My eyes burn from the previous night of crying. I don't understand what I did in any past life to deserve this.  Its Tuesday. I leave to go to the devil today. Mom said I won't be attending school while I am with him, so it was pointless to go yesterday, obviously I'm not going today either. All day yesterday I re watched Gossip Girl. Which made me more upset watching all the freedom they have; freedom I wish I could keep. I know he won't let me go anywhere. He will keep me held up and I can't do anything about it.

My eyes averted to the clock next to my bed and I see that it is 10.38 A.M. I guess I slept in a little more than usual. I sigh and get out of bed. I grab a new pair of underwear and an outfit for the day. I packed yesterday too. Mom said I should pack everything. Doesn't make me feel any better considering that's a sign I will be there for a while. Without even knowing what the place looks like I am already planning my escape. 

Everything is so frustrating now; I feel like my parents did me wrong. I feel so mad at them, yet I love them at the same time. I grab a pair of light-colored skinny jeans and a yellow sweater and headed to the bathroom. I proceeded to brush my teeth and my hair. If it weren't for them, I'd probably try and run away. However, I don't want them to die or be the reason that they do die. 

I turned on the shower and let it warm up as I stripped. The warm water, more like boiling hot water, hit my shoulders and I sighed out in satisfaction. I got my hair wet grabbed my peach shampoo and proceeded with my shower, you know how a shower goes. Who knows how I will be treated or how I will live whenever I am with Kadin, so I better savor this shower. 

When I feel that I washed all the conditioner out of my hair, even though I probably didn't, I turn off the shower and grab the towel to dry off.  I get my clothes on, and I feel more refreshed, stressed but refreshed. 

I went back to my bedroom and flopped on my bed a screamed in my pillow really loud. I lay face down on my pillow for a solid 5 minutes until I hear a knock my door. 

"Come in." My hollow voice allowed. The door in walked a very guilty looking mother of mine. 

"Hi honey." My mom said warmly with a guilty looking smile

I wanted to roll my eyes and scream at her. For not being there and for only being there to sell me off to some dude that could hurt me.

"What do you want mom." I sighed out. Nearly surprising myself considering it sounded a little, well bitchy. I almost feel bad, that quickly fades away when I remember what is happening. 

"I'm sorry honey I didn't mean for anything like this to happen." She spoke softly

"Well, it did happen mom, I am being sold to a freaking gang leader, this is the most you have spoken to me ever and it's over the fact that I am being taken. If I knew that's what it would take to get my parents to care about me, I would have pulled a fucking stunt a long time ago." My voice shot back bitterly. Seriously though if all it took was some acting out, I could have done that. 

"I know you're angry, but I just came up to tell you that he will be here at 1:00 P.M do you have everything packed?" She asked. It sounded like she couldn't wait to get me out of here. Her and dad will get rid of one financial burden at least. 

"Yes, mother everything is packed so you can leave now." I spit out. She sighed and walked out and closed my door. Before I even knew it my eyes watered up and tears started to drip evenly down my face, both eyes leaking the salty water. 

I looked at the time and it reads 11:30 A.M. Great so I have an hour and half left of freedom. Watch shall I do, oh yeah finish the rest of season 3 of the Gossip Girl. I grab my computer get under the covers and start the second to last episode. Before I knew it I was drifting off in to the land of sleep.

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